Sunday, December 30, 2018

January 2019 Leadership

January 3, 2019

 Image result for happy new year


1. Watch Fiddler on the Roof.  Pick a theme brought out in the film and come prepared to discuss what you think the film was trying to say about it and whether or not you agree with the film's take on it.

Image result for fiddler on the roof

2.  Read or listen to the following talk and take notes. Be prepared to discuss the differences between The United Order and Socialism.

Socialism and the United Order by Marion G. Romney




Read pages 115-161 in The 5000 Year Leap and prepare a short 3-5 minute presentation teaching us something that you learned and/or found interesting from the reading.

Image result for 5000 year leap pdf

Masters Class

If you make it to Journeyman this month, you are automatically invited to come to Masters Class. We are preparing some activities, so just be prepared to take part. [Merry Christmas!] :)

Thursday, November 8, 2018

November 15, 2018

Hello Everyone! 
  We are super excited about this month's Leadership Class!  We will be discussing things that can be life changing, if you let them.  Please make the time to do the assignments so you can join us in this journey.  ♥♥♥



1. Read The Miracle Morning OR The Miracle Morning for College Students by Hal Elrod

  The Miracle Morning_ The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform                 OR           Image result for The Miracle Morning for College Students: The Not-So-Obvious Secrets to Success in College and Life 

2.  Watch Be of Good Cheer by Hank Smith


Define the following terms as used in the The Miracle Morning:

1. Silence
2. Affirmation
3. Visualization
4. Exercise
5. Reading
6. Scribing

Look for at least three examples from the scriptures where someone used positive language to turn their thoughts from negative to positive.  Look for times where either negative thoughts or negative people could have caused discouragement, but the person was able to maintain their attitude by staying positive.

One example is in 2 Nephi 4, where Nephi was feeling weighed down because of his brothers, but he pulls himself back up by declaring:  "Awake my soul! No longer droop in sin!" and "I know in whom I have trusted."  

See if you can find more similar examples.

Do the following while watching Be of Good Cheer:


1. Center of the Universe Syndrome
2. Accentuate the Positive

Fill in the blanks:

The one thing that will take away from cheerfulness is ____________________.

Research shows that only ____ percent of your happiness has anything to do with your circumstances.

"No misfortune is so bad that _________  _____ __ won't make it worse."

The Lord deplores ___________________. 

We should speak of one another's _____________ more than we speak of one another's _________.

Don't allow your _________to be _______________by _______ _______.

The future is as bright as your ____________.

What does Hank Smith say is the primary difference between Nephi and Laman? 


Journal about your thoughts and impressions as you read/watched the book and talk.


Read pages 58-113.

The 5000 Year Leap: A Miracle that Changed the World


Choose one principle or concept discussed in the reading and come to class prepared to teach it. Try to make your presentation as interesting as possible with a diagram, short video, etc. These presentations should only be about 5 minutes long. Do a good job, but don't stress yourself out over it.


As you read, think about the ways that you see these principles being applied or ignored in our country today.  Write them in your Commonplace book.


Image result for the great divorce

Huzzah Hope of Israel!!

My faaaaaavorite book of 2017!!!!!
As a matter of fact, I still listen to it for comic relief! 😜

The Great Divorce by CS Lewis 

Here’s a link so you can listen to this great story. It is free on YouTube. It’s about 2 hours long. Part of why I listened to it so much is because I enjoy the presentation. I hope you come to enjoy it as much as I do!(Thank♥️You Sis Barber for finding the link!)
Come prepared to discuss...

   What is the book about?

   What ways did the characters' thinking either bless or hinder their progress. What about their choices made it so?

   What is a tragedian?

Image result for great divorce tragedian 

   Which character did you like or relate to? Is there a character that was frustrating? Or sad to read about?  What would you suggest they do differently to change their circumstances?    

Who inspired you?

If you had the chance to ride the excursion bus, what would you do to get on it? 

Image result for the great divorce

What would you do when you arrived at the new land? Would you want to look around and explore like the narrator?

If you had the chance to stay in the new land what would you do to claim that opportunity?

Are there any scriptures stories that come to mind as you listen?

I’m looking forward to our discussion!

Your devoted,

Sis Maurer 🌺

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Image result for russell m nelson

Vanguard Leadership Class -- October 4, 2018



1. Print out a copy of President and Sister Nelson's talk to the youth Hope of Israel (found here:  Scroll down to where it says "View Text" then download and print the PDF.

2. Prayerfully* read or watch the talk, marking on your copy parts that stand out to you.  Specifically notice action items that you feel the Spirit telling you to do.

3. Prayerfully* watch this talk by Hank Smith--The Power of One:

Image result for hank smith

*Prayerfully means to pray before watching or reading the assignment and ask the Spirit to help you understand and know how you should apply it to your life at this time.

4.  Read, watch or listen to at least one of these talks on Personal Revelation:
     a.  The Spirit of Revelation by Elder Bednar

     b.   How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration for Your Personal Life by Elder Scott

     c.  Personal Revelation: The Gift, The Test and The Promise by Elder Packer

5.  Write out the definitions of these words as used in the Hope of Israel talk:

a. Hastening                            f. Covenant
b. Gathering                            g. Perspective
c. Committed                          h. Courageous
d. Sacrifice                              i. Remember
e. Persistent


1. Write Inspirements in your Common Place Book as they came to you while you were studying. (If watching videos, pause when a thought comes to you so you can write it down without missing anything.)

2. Sister Nelson mentioned a 5-minute video that portrayed your pre-earth life.  Imagine you are sitting with Heavenly Father preparing to come to earth. Come to class prepared to show or tell us about what that experience might have looked like. (You can do one of the following:  write a poem, draw a picture, make a video, write a song, etc.)


Imagine your are sitting with President Nelson, and Journal in your Common Place Book your personal answers to his 5 questions:

1.  What is the Gathering of Israel?
2.  What would you be willing to do to help gather Israel?
3.  What would you willing to sacrifice to help gather Israel?
4.  What would you want to start doing or stop doing to help gather Israel?
5.  What will help you in preparation for The Gathering?


This year we will be studying The 5000 Year Leap by Cleon Skousen. We will also set a goal to memorize all 28 principles.  You will be given a bookmark containing all of the principles on the first day of class that you can use to study them.

Image result for 5000 year leap


1.  Watch this video on how to annotate a book:

1a. This is a good article on annotating that you may also want to read.

Consider how you want to annotate the books you will read this year and start developing a style that will make the books yours. (Make sure you have permission to write in the books.)  :)

2. Read from the Foreword through page 57 of The 5000 Year Leap.


Underline parts that stand out to you.


Choose one principle or concept discussed in the reading and come to class prepared to teach it. Try to make your presentation as interesting as possible with a diagram, short video, etc. These presentations should only be about 5 minutes long. Do a good job, but don't stress yourself out over it.



1. Read Robert E. Lee on Leadership

Image result for robert e lee on leadership

2.  Google "Abraham Lincoln leadership style" and read at least 2 of the articles that come up on that search.


Compare and contrast the styles of the 2 leaders.

Compare = find out how they were similar
Contrast = show how they were different

Write down what you learn.


From your reading, which one to three qualities do you feel inspired to implement in your life?  Write how you are going to begin to implement that characteristic in your life this month.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

April Journeyman Leadership class


Oh. My. Goodness. Last Leadership Journeyman class... 😢I'm so sad, not only is this my last ever Vanguard year, and my last ever Leadership class, it's also my last ever Journeyman Leadership class! And that is so sad! I have loved learning with you guys, and reading about the miracles that have saved our country, and the symbolism in our world of things that were created to remind us about Jesus Christ, our savior. I have loved teaching with Brother Maurer and developing a love for history in my own life because of it. I've loved getting to know all of you. You all are awesome... I guess I'm happy too- 'cause after this there is two more classes and then (drumroll please!!!) SUMMER!!!! YAY! Warm weather, no homework, and sleep! YAY!
Image result for ready to par tay meme
OK. SO, Goal. EVERYONE COME TO MY CLASS! EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN VANGUARD! Wouldn't that be awesome? I'll keep it doable, so lets do it! 😉


1.  Read the CONCLUSION of the 7 Miracles That Saved America book. (Ok... I REALLY think it'd be so cool if everyone came, so PLEASE read it. It's just the conclusion, so it's really short, an it's ok if you haven't read any other chapter. If will still make sense.

Paper Chain Dolls Holding2. EITHER Read the titles of all the other chapters, or just skim through the book. Just review enough to know the all the miracles.

3. Do you believe God has had a hand in America? I do. Make a chain of any other miracles that have saved America (There is a lot), or even just an instance where you know God was there. Write one miracle or instance on each chain circle thing. The person with the LONGEST chain wins a price. (Then we'll staple everyone's chain together and measure the final product in class. If we get it up the Brown's staircase, I'll bring ice cream!) 

4. Email me if you're coming! We're having a party, so come, and email me please. Also tell me your favorite ice cream flavor in the email, if you guys think you can make a big chain.

5. Make or buy a healthy or non-healthy snack for our party at Journeyman! (I'm on the ice cream, but drinks, chips and salsa, goldfish, anything else...!)  If you're having trouble coming up with something good to eat, email  me and I'll be happy to give you some ideas. :)


1. Read Moses 6:63, and 2 Nephi 11:4. Now read them one more time, using the punctuation and going slowly. Write them in your commonplace book. (DO NOT COME TO CLASS UNLESS YOU HAVE WRITTEN THE SCRIPTURES DOWN WORD FOR WORD! If you've already been to my class before,  then you don't have to write them, but you better READ them! I know- it's tedious to have to re-read them, but they are important, so just humor me. Thanks! ) 

2. Go to this site: Symbols of Christ

It's a google doc I created for everyone. You should be able to edit... If not, email me at and I will fix that. READ IT ALL! There should be some scriptures and a definition at the top and five pages after that, so keep scrolling. For my Know/Understand part of all my Journeyman classes, I thought it'd be cool to learn about symbolism to Christ.

In the google doc, I want you to read the symbolism about mosquitoes that I have provided as an example. Tara and I studied mosquitoes last year and this is what we found. Read it all. It will BLOW YOUR MIND! Take #1 under the physical trait side, and then to see how that specific trait is symbolic of Christ, read #1 under the Spiritual Reality side. If you have any questions, email me and I can help. 

3. Study WATER. Jesus Christ is known as "the living water." Why? What does that mean? Why is WATER compared to CHRIST??? Spend how ever long or short of time you want on this. BUT MAKE IT SINCERE. Find ONE fact about water, and how that ONE fact is symbolic of Jesus Christ. Please write it on the google doc. Email me if you have any questions.  (You might have to scroll down pretty far on the google doc to find the chart, we've done a lot!) Happy seeking! ALSO, Now that you've learned about why water is symbolic of Jesus Christ, spend a little bit thinking about the sacrament. Do you think there is a reason we take water as part of the sacrament? Do you think that Heavenly Father wants us to think about something everytime we take the water? What do you think he wants us to think about? How can  water remind us of Him? PLEASE WRITE IT ON THE GOOGLE DOC!! 


Do both: 

1. Journal about this. Pretend there is a book called "7 Miracles that saved _________'s life. (Put your name in the blank.) Journal in your commonplace book about what miracles would be in the book. What miracles have you seen in your life? What instances have you felt God? 

2. Answer these questions: What do you think about the Symbols of Christ? Have you learned more about Christ, or had your testimony grow? Have you remembered Christ more often? Do you want to try it with another animal, plant, or thing that God has created? Do you believe God created those things in order so that we would remember His son? Thinking back to the sacrament, do you think that living in a world full of symbols of Christ you'll be able to more fully keep your promise and covenant to "Always remember Him?" Just a thought. 

I'm probably not going to talk too much about it at class, but if you've changed, grown, or learned anything from doing the symbols of Christ, I would love to talk to you about it. I think it's so cool. I'd love to talk to you. Maybe during lunch or after class if we don't do a full out conversation awesome thing in class. 

So excited and ready to PAR-TAY! See you at class!  

Friday, March 23, 2018

April Apprentice

April 2018 Apprentice
Mexican American War and Causes of the Civil War



1.  Watch the following 2 videos on the Texas Revolution & the Mexican American War:

2.  Watch the following 3 videos on the causes of the Civil War

3.  Put the following terms on your note cards from the Dictionary or Cultural Literacy:
  • Abolitionism
  • John Brown
  • Missouri Compromise
  • Secession
  • Nat Turner
  • Underground Railroad
  • Harriet Tubman
  • Frederick W. Douglass
  • Dred Scott Decision
  • Compromise of 1850
  • Civil War
4.  Print out the following maps and paste them in your common place book:
5.  Watch this video " Tim Ballard, The American Covenant (71 min)


This week we are preparing to go to war… The Civil War.  
You have each been assigned either to the Union or the Confederacy.
 President Lincoln is coming to hear what you have to say as he ponders
the decision before him and our Nation’s fate.  It is your job to represent
what is going on in your state and to persuade Mr. President to your side.

Union       - NORTH     Confederate  - SOUTH

New York
South Carolina
Jacob H
North Carolina
Rhode Island

Additional resource for Reasons for Secession...


In Oct 1961 Elder Ezra Taft Benson said, "The Lord revealed to the prophet Nephi that He established the Gentiles on this land to be a free people forever, that if they were a righteous nation and overcome the wickedness and secret abominations which would arise in their midst, they would inherit the land forever.  But on the other hand, if the Gentiles on this land reject the word of God and conspire to overthrow liberty and the Constitution then their doom is fixed and they '...shall be cut off from among my people who are of the covenant.' "

In 1972, he said "We honor our founding fathers of this republic...because their devotion to correct principles overshadowed their devotion to popularity, party, or personality.  God raised up these patriotic partners to perform their mission, and he called them “wise men.” (See D&C 101:80.)  And in 1976 he said, "I thank God for the sacrifices and efforts made by these Founding Fathers, whose efforts have brought us the blessings of political liberty and economic prosperity we have today. Their lives should be reminders that we are the blessed beneficiaries of a liberty earned by great sacrifices of property, reputation, and life."

And in 1987 he asks: "Have we read The Federalist papers? Are we reading the Constitution and pondering it? Are we aware of its principles? Are we abiding by these principles and teaching them to others? Could we defend the Constitution? Can we recognize when a law is constitutionally unsound? Do we know what the prophets have said about the Constitution and the threats to it?  As Jefferson said, 'If a nation expects to be ignorant and free … it expects what never was and never will be' (Letter to Colonel Charles Yancey, 6 Jan. 1816)."

In a BYU Devotional on 17 September 1987, Elder L. Tom Perry said:

"We, as a people, have been the recipients of some of God’s most choice blessings, and I believe they came only as a result of the dedication and sacrifice of our forefathers. We need, at this time and in this place, to follow the counsel of yet another great American, Abraham Lincoln, who said:

'Let every American, every level of liberty, every well wisher to his posterity [support the Constitution.] Let . . . it be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges; let it be written in primers, spelling-books, and in almanacs; let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced in courts of justice. And in short, let it become the political religion of the nation...and in particular, establish a reverence for the Constitution.'

I love this great land of the free. I always feel a great feeling of pride within my very soul whenever the flag passes by. I was taught this as a young child when Dad would always make us get out of the car when the American flag passed by in a parade. These feelings have only increased over the years as I stood as a young Boy Scout in early-morning flag-raising ceremonies and pledged allegiance to the flag each day throughout the years I attended school.

Yes, and there have been times on foreign soil when after a battle I stood and, in dirty dungarees and with a rifle in hand, saluted our flag as it was raised to the top of a handmade flagpole.

Oh, thus be it ever, when free men shall stand 
Between their loved homes and the war’s desolation!
Blest with vict’ry and peace, may the heav’n-rescued land
Praise the Pow’r that hath made and preserved us a nation!

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our Trust!”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
[Hymns, 1985, no. 340]

May God bless each of us with a desire to gain a real understanding of the blessings granted to us under this great Constitution of the United States of America. And may we have the strength and the courage to defend and uphold it for our generation and for all who follow after us."

This year you have had an in depth study of American History.  Where did America come from?  Why are we here?  What purpose did God have in preserving this land and declaring it a land of liberty forever?  

In order to fulfill the mission we have all been sent here to do, that of maintaining our liberties under God, we mush have a in depth knowledge of the Founding of America, the Founding Fathers and the events that brought us to where we are today.  We must know the stories of God's hand in every step of the process.  Because how do we maintain something we don't know anything about?  How do we preserve something we don't understand?

Think over the entire year of American History and the thoughts and feelings you've had as you'e learned, heard stories and connected with our Founding Fathers.  For 20 minutes, record you thoughts and testimony of America.  What does America mean to you and how will you commit to fight for your God-given liberty?