Monday, April 24, 2023

Leadership Masters Week 6

 Leadership Masters

Read the first book in the series Little Britches.  The 1st book is called My Father and I were Ranchers.  We think you'll love it!

Go to THIS LINK to sign up for a discussion question.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Leadership Apprentice Week 6: Apr 2023

   APPRENTICE: Law 6: Courageously Execute,  Apply Principled Solutions to Real World Problems

Law 7: Do It Again: And Again and Again...

"Wherefore, now let every man learn his duty, and to act in the office in which he is appointed, in all diligence."
- Doctrine and Covenants 107:99


Mission Driven Life
  1. Read Ch. 8 & 9  in "The Mission Driven Life" .  Mark quotes that you like and be prepared to discuss why you like them.
  2. Listen to this mission driven story: "Grandma Moses" (48 min)
    1. Write down how this story showed her living Laws 6 & 7.
  3. Read Ch. 10  in "The Mission Driven Life"  and ponder what kind of legacy you want to leave.  Write down 10 things that you would like to be said about you at the end of your life.  What can you do today to start living to become that person?  Choose 1 thing and do it today.
  1. Study for the civics Red Rover Game.  Remember, the questions for the game may come from the 100 question test in the U.S. Constitution workbook and from the worksheet assignments given through the year.  Answers to the test and the worksheets are included in the workbook so if you're looking to double check your information, the answers will be there.
  2. Final Rules for the game will be published in the blog before Monday.  Most of the class period will be dedicated to the game, so come ready to play and have a good time; knowing that you have had a great chance to understand more of what it takes to be a real part of the United States of America, a country founded on righteousness and blessed by God as long as there are people who love and follow Him in the land.

Memorize a document or passage from any of the founding documents we have studied this year and be prepared to recite it in class.  The passage must be a minimum of 200 words (for example, the Gettysburg Address contains 272).  If your single passage doesn't contain 200 words, you may use a couple of references.  For example, the Preamble to the Constitution is shorter than 200 words, so you may memorize and recite the Preamble and one of the Bill of Rights or other amendments to get to the 200 word count.

Just to make sure someone doesn't decide to recite an encyclopedia, please don't exceed ~350 words.

Documents List:
The Mayflower Compact
The Declaration of Independence
The U.S. Constitution
The Bill of Rights and other Amendments to the U.S. Constitution
The Gettysburg Address
The Emancipation Proclamation

If there is some other founding document (like President Washington's farewell address) that you would like to memorize and recite from that is from the Revolutionary War period up to the Civil War period, that could work.  Please text me (Dave Martin 719-494-4473) if you have a different document you'd like to use, and we'll make sure it fits.


Read Mosiah 29: 5-27.  How does this passage relate to us and our responsibilities as citizens and neighbors?  Record in your journal how your voice will be raised for good.

Leadership Journeyman - Month 6 - April 2023

 Leadership Journeyman

1.  We're going to make quills using feathers from a bird that almost became the national bird.  (What bird is that?)

Watch this Video so you know the basic way to make a quill.  I'll have all the supplies here...except for ink for everyone.

2. If you have quill ink, and are willing to share for the class period, please bring it to share.

3. Watch this 13 minute video about Abraham Lincoln's life. Principle #6 is courageously execute.  Can you see how Lincoln did that in his life?

 Watch this 7 minute discussion about Lincoln. Do you agree with the premise of the video?  Why or why not?  Come prepared to discuss this.  By the way, it's ok to disagree.

4. Study these symbols of the US to whatever extent you feel it necessary: 

This year we've studied symbols of America in Journeyman.  You've helped with jeopardy questions, and now it's time for jeopardy!  You do not have a book to study, but you do have the internet.

Oh, by the way.  While we will have teams for the game, only 1 person will get to represent the team for each question.  So you should come prepared!  Just a few basic facts about each symbol would be super helpful!

Plymouth Rock

Independence Hall

The White House

The Capitol Building

The Supreme Court Building

The Washington Monument

The Lincoln Memorial

The Statue of Liberty

Ellis Island

Mount Rushmore

The Flag

The Liberty Bell

Uncle Sam

The Great Seal of the US

Any US History Note Card