Friday, September 24, 2021

Leadership Apprentice Week 2

This week is going to be another exciting and hopefully eye-opening week. I really enjoyed hearing each of you discuss and present all the wonderful things people said about each of your unique abilities, talents, skills and gifts. 

This week is all about helping you do things that most people on this planet never do, and that's study and describe their uniqueness. 

This week I'll teach you how to summarize the very best of what you know about yourself now and present it in a way that is valuable for you and those you serve in your life.

We're going to focus on doing 3 things. 

First I'll help you get clear about your top 10 best habits, second, create your unique ability statement, and third write your first offer to promote online with the world using your unique ability and talents/skills
(this we will do in class when we meet next!)

It's critical that you have done week 1 and gathered feedback from your trusted peers. If you have not done so please do so now and then move forward with this week's instruction.

Study & Learn

Part 1: Discovering Your Top 10 Best Habits

It's time now to reflect, analyze and use the feedback you received in week 1 from your trusted peers to document your top 10 best habits.

Your best habits are the things you do automatically, every time, to get your best results in life. We're not talking about bad habits here. You want to shine the light on the best habits in your life that you've had all of your conscious life to this point. Your best habits are action steps you take naturally before or after situations in daily life. Your best habits are things you can strengthen once you are conscious of them.

The best way to discover your best habits is to think about the action step you consistently take following the words "I always..."

Here are some examples:

I always learn by trying
I always stay calm in stressful situations
I always help other people see the best in themselves
I always hug people
I always improve myself
I always stick to my values and beliefs
I always have fun
I always laugh
I always put myself in others shoe and see what they need
I always express my appreciation 
I always use metaphors and analogies to teach an idea
I always listen more than talk
I always think more than speak
I always share my ideas with people
I always take decisive action and learn from the results

Now, let's help you become conscious of your top 10 best habits now. 

Action Step 1: 

Get your journal and write the headline at the top of the page "My Top 10 Best Habits"
Now use the feedback from your trusted peers and your own thinking and fill in the blanks after the words "I always..." and do that 10 times like this:
  1. I always....
  2. I always....
  3. I always....
  4. I always....
  5. I always....
  6. I always....
  7. I always....
  8. I always....
  9. I always....
  10. I always....
Note, that your Top 10 habits are things that "sound like you". Your top 10 habits are not things that you hope you could do or things that you see in your friend. Your top 10 habits are things you are already doing and have been doing for as long as you can remember. 

To help you further you can check out my Top 10 Habits in my life:
  1. I always...believe in myself and have confidence to do anything I put my mind to
  2. I always...try to do the most efficient way of doing things
  3. I and laugh and make people wonder sometime why I'm laughing
  4. I always...analyze things and their deeper meaning
  5. I always...strive to make people feel comfortable and include people who are alone
  6. I always...organize complex things in step by step processes
  7. I always...strive for personal, sincere 1-on-1 interaction with those I know
  8. I people up by encouraging them to do good things
  9. I always...find energy having great philosophical & meaningful life discussions with people
  10. I always...whistle or hum songs every day and/or listen to music
Notice that every statement I describe above starts with a verb. I encourage you to do the same when you write down your top 10 habits.

Action Step 2:

As you write down your top 10 habits ask yourself...
  • Do I always do this?
  • Do I feel passionate about doing it this way?
  • Does it feel like it would be wrong to operate any other way?
  • If you feel so then you're on the right track with doing this assignment correctly!

Action Step 3:

Now that you've documented your top 10 best habits, go share them with one or more of your trusted peers who know you well and ask if anything is missing. Ask him/her if the statements you wrote "sound like you"?

In many situations you could take your top 10 best habits and give them to any person you know without telling them its a list about you and they would know its you by reading it.

Know & Understand

Part 2: Writing your Unique Ability Statement (Talent + Passion)

Now it's time to walk you through how to create and write your one sentence Unique Ability Statement.

Here are some things to understand first:
  • Your unique ability statement is a one-line statement that starts with "My Unique Ability is...." and then describes your talent (what you do) and then words that describe WHY you do it (your passion). 
  • Your unique ability statement describes the core of what you love to do and do best in all areas of your life.
  • Your statement can be applied to many different situations, activities and circumstances.
  • Your unique ability statement is something you've been since you were young.
  • It may not seem exciting or special to you because it comes so naturally.
  • Other people may recognize it in your before you see it yourself.
  • What you write down will evolve throughout your life and will improve the more you implement.
  • As you test your statement with people in the world you'll be able to refine it even more.
As you find the right words to say know that it's not always easy to do since it's so close to you. Your unique ability is also something that is more than just the words you write down; that is important to know.

As you wrestle with how to word your unique ability statement you'll eventually create something that feels just right to you. Remember the points above as you brainstorm.

Become & Serve

Action Step 1: Writing the "talent" part of your statement

Begin first by collecting some key words from the feedback from your trusted peers and look at the details of your Top 10 Best Habits. Also look at any other personality tests or other feedback you may have.

List any words you think are important that describe your talent and passion. The more the better. You might not sue them all, but it's better to have more to work with than less.

After you have written down in your journal all the most important words that describe your talents and passions start writing down the first part of your Unique Ability Statement starting with the words "My Unique Ability is..." and describe what you do (your talent).

There is something at the very core or heart of all the activities you're really good at and love doing. You're looking for what's common, for a "theme" or pattern behind your actions. Basically you're questioning "What am I doing or providing?

Your statement is for you above all, it's not for anyone else. It's not a comparison game. When you read your statement you want it to make you say "yeah, that's me! that is what I do! I love doing that."

Look for action words to get to the heart of your superior abilities, talents. 

Here are some examples of what others have written for the first part of their unique ability statement:

  • My unique ability is having purposeful conversations...
  • My unique ability is analyzing details and creating systems...
  • My unique ability is connecting with people in a fun a lively way...
  • My unique ability is communicating with energy...
  • My unique ability is helping people feel peaceful...
  • My unique ability is providing comfort to those who need it...
  • My unique ability is empathizing with people and their unique situations in life...
  • My unique ability is connecting people to their wisdom...
  • My unique ability is developing authentic, real relationships with people...
  • My unique ability is caring for others and pets...
 Note: Your unique ability is NOT an activity like soccer, art and it's not a profession like being a doctor, carpenter, teacher, etc. It's not selling or writing. Those verbs are too specific to apply to a variety of situations. Selling and writing for example would be unique activities instead. You're writing the "talent" at this point.

Action Step 2: Writing the "passion" part of your statement

Now you're ready to do the last part of your unique ability statement which is to describe the passion part. The "Why?" or Why do you do this? What's your motivation? Why do you bother with that talent described earlier, why do you care?

The passion part of your statement describes what you really value. Many times this part of the statement is much easier to come up with.

And here are some examples of the second half of your unique ability statement:
  • they feel loved.
  • help God's children realize their potential.
  • avoid pain and unnecessary problems in life.
  • they can pay it forward and help others.
  • help people have fun and improve their life.

Action Step 3: Combine the Talent & Passion statements together

Now go ahead and combine the first and second parts you brainstormed above into ONE statement. This one statement is your unique ability statement. Here are some examples of some unique ability statements other people have written.

  • My unique ability is having purposeful conversations so they feel loved.
  • My unique ability is helping people feel peaceful so they can live a life of less stress.
  • My unique ability is caring for others and pets so the world will be a kinder place to live in.
  • My unique ability is connecting with people in a fun and lively way to empower them to be confident in themselves and experience the joy of new possibilities.
  • My unique ability is empathizing with people and taking action so they feel cared for.
  • My unique ability is connecting people with their wisdom to transform their future.

Once you're done with all the action steps above come prepared next time we meet with these two documents, your Top 10 Best Habits and your Unique Ability Statement.

Being able to communicate what you love to do will increase the likelihood of you having greater opportunities in your life to do those things that give you the most energy and allows the world to be blessed the most because you're letting your light shine bright!

Leadership Masters Week 2

This week you need to read all of "Living in Your True Identity," by Brooke Snow. I loved this book and I'm excited to share it with you. I love reading self help books from a gospel persepective because they give all glory to God for all the good in our life. Brooke Snow was my very first photography mentor! I learned a lot from her 13+ years ago when I was just starting out as a photographer. I took a photography business class from her before I even owned my first dSLR and I've followed her career ever since. I think you'll appreciate her perspectives and personal experiences. Sometimes her writing can feel like she's just talking to women -- don't let that scare you off boys! Liken her tools and tips to your own life, they are universal. I want you to have the book read and marked and ready for discussion AND I want you to choose a clearing tool from chapter 4 to practice this week. Get started reading early even if you can only make it through chapter 4 before Sunday so you have time to practice. This won't work if you do all your reading on Wednesday :D I can't wait to hear your experiences and thoughts. I don't know what we'll be doing in class but I know it will be fun and likely involve chocolate. Text me when you know you're coming 435-709-5525 :D

Leadership Journeyman Week 2



This week we are going to be learning a skill that will help with our future magazine submission assignment. We will be learning how to write an effective summary.
If you've ever gone over time on a presentation in class or if you've ever bored your mom to tears giving a word-for-word description of a book you just read then maybe, just maybe, you could use a little practice at getting better at summaries! And that's great because being able to succinctly summarize information is an awesome real-life skill that you will use in your adult life!  I've never used long division as an adult (I literally had to re-learn the skill when my kids hit 4th grade math) BUT I use summarizing skills all the time. Sorry to all you math people, don't be sad, I'm sure you can use long division as an adult too. 
Summaries show up when you read a headline -- a one sentence main idea of the news article that lets you know if you want to read further. A summary can be a blurb on the back of the book that leaves you wanting more or could be a table of contents in a book or magazine. Summaries can be about a play, book, concert or sporting event or writing up notes from a young women/men meeting or work meeting. 
Summaries are also playing a part in writing a resume cover letter, an obituary or when watching a movie trailer! Summaries are all over the place.

I like this concise video about how to write a summary. Take notes as you watch so you can refer to your notes when doing your writing assignment:


Now we are going to practice those skills. Sign up for a fairy tale that we are all familiar with on this google doc -- I'm guessing most of us are familiar with the Disney version so stick with that if possible. Write a summary of this fairy tale for your assignment. I want you to sign up for a fairy tale that you know so well that you can retell it in a summary without looking up the story online because if you look it up online guess what you'll find: a summary! and that would be a little TOO helpful. If you need to rewatch the move, or re-read a storybook as part of your homework and take notes as you go then that is totally fine and even encouraged. Just don't google for the plot. 

Finally, I want you to try writing a different kind of summary. The first activity was very factual and information based. This type of summary can be more creative. I want you to write your own obituary -- this shouldn't feel morbid, an obituary is a beautiful summary of a person's life. What would you want included? What things matter to you that you want remembered? 
Go to this site to read recent obituaries to notice the format and types of details others use. Notice how while there is a similar format to follow, the information people choose to include can vary greatly, making this a more creative summary. 

That's it! Come prepared to read yours aloud in class :D 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Leadership- Master Class Week 1

This week we will be discussing the book Spirit, by David Butler. 

As you read mark your book and come prepared to share 4 quotes that stood out to you and 1 new thing that you learned about the spirit that you never knew before. 

We'll be having our book discussion at the Payson Temple so text me, 435-709-5525 so I know you're coming and I have enough rides :) 

Leadership - Journeyman Week 1

This week we are going to be studying the art of conversation with the end goal of becoming confident conversation starters with a knowledge of the types of questions that keep a conversation alive and interesting! 

Do ALL 5 tasks numbered below, in order! :) 


1)Before you watch the following two videos I want you to open your commonplace book and write down answers to these questions:
What has worked for me in the past as a good conversation starter?
What would I consider to be 5 tips for creating a quality conversation? (we're going to generally define "quality conversation" as an interaction that was uplifting and not-awkward/uncomfortable. This means even small talk with a cashier could be a quality conversation but so could an awesome in-depth convo with your best friend)

2)Watch this video and take notes in your commonplace book - notice how she compares being a great interviewer to being a great conversationalist. 

3)Watch this video and add to your notes on conversation skills. 

You should now have a good idea of what your conversation strengths are and have hopefully learned a new tip or two for improving your own conversation skills. With this knowledge I want you to ask yourself -- what about this topic is still a source of apprehension/lack of knowledge for you? Is it talking to a stranger? Starting up a conversation in a group setting? Talking to someone of the opposite gender? Overcoming anxiety around conversation? Do you wonder how to be approachable and invite conversation with body language? Know what you want to know more about? Go on to #4

4)I want you to do your own research in regards to your own conversation hurdle and come prepared to share a new tip with us in class that you learn from your research. Everyone will be sharing at least ONE NEW TIP with the entire class that they learned from their extra study.


Book learning will only take you so far, the best way to become great at conversation is to start practicing and practice every chance you get! 

5)You need to start up a conversation with a stranger or a person that you don't know well at all. This could be a neighbor, a cashier, a person in your YM/YW class that you don't normally talk to. Stretch yourself! Come prepared to share about your experience in class. 

Friday, September 3, 2021

Leadership Apprentice Week 1

Study & Learn 

  • Your unique talents and abilities many times are so natural to you that they are invisible from your vantage point. For this reason we want to ask others who you trust and know you well to shine the light on what they think you do great at.

    The following exercise is meant to help you gather as much feedback possible from those you trust and know most to help you understand your strengths, your natural talents/unique abilities as much as possible. 

  • Read through the script below, feel welcome to customize it if desired, and then email/text it to as many trusted family members and/or close friends as possible. Preferably send the email/text to at least 8 to 10 people you respect and know well. Remember many people you reach out to will want to take some time providing a thoughtful response so don't always expect a fast reply but do make sure to give them a clear deadline.

    • Natural talent/strengths reach out email/text script:

      • Hello (name),

        I am currently taking a course about discovering my natural talent(s), strengths and things I do really well. This course is based upon the belief that everyone possesses a combination of talents, interests, and capabilities that are unique to that person.

        I would really appreciate it if you would help me identify my own natural/unique talents/strengths by sending me as much detail/insight to the following question:

        What do you personally see as my natural talent(s)/strength(s) or things you have seen me do really well?

        You could describe my unique characteristics, the strengths you appreciate about me, what you have noticed about how I do things, what you can count on me for, or any other distinguishing features you see about who I am to you.

        I would be very grateful if you could respond within the next week or less if you're interested in helping me. Thank you for your support. I look forward to hearing from you.

        All the best,

        Your Name

  • As you gather responses from people read through the responses and look for patterns in what people said. Examine the ways people chose to describe your natural abilities unique to you. Start a page in your commonplace book and label it "The Natural Abilities Unique to Me". From there list each person's name and identify the keywords or phrases they used that really hit home for you. Once you have gone through all responses, look back and take note of recurring words, phrases, or ideas. This will be vital information to use in our upcoming Week 2 exercises.

Know & Understand

  1. Watch this 24 minute video, make notes, thoughts, questions about talents, gifts, etc.
  2. Discover extra insight about your personality strengths and weaknesses by taking the free Jung Typology Test online and write in your commonplace book your personality type, your thoughts and feelings about the results. 
  3. Questions to ponder and document in your journal: 
    • What are the differences between Spiritual Gifts, Talents, Natural Abilities and Skills? 
    • How might your spiritual gifts help you develop your skills to bless the world?

Become & Serve

  • Pray to your Father in Heaven and ask Him to help you understand your unique talents, gifts you should be conscious of. Counsel with Him and ask for revelation for how you can best use your gifts to bless people in this world. Record your inspiration, feelings and personal revelation in your journal.

  • Discuss with your parents and/or friends the opportunity and blessing of getting your patriarchal blessing if you have not done so already. It's up to you of course if you feel it's the right time to move forward with this or not. At minimum have a discussion with your parents or someone who has their patriarchal blessing and discuss how this blessing has helped that person become more aware of the unique gifts given to him/her. Record your responses and feelings in your journal.