Friday, September 30, 2016

Oct Apprentice

October Apprentice

We are the clay: We each have special purpose and unique worth

"Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God."

- D&C 18:10


Do all of the following -

1 - Read this article by Stephen Palmer, "46 Clues You're Enslaving Yourself Voluntarily"

2 - Write the scripture and memorization quote for the month on your cards and memorize them.

3 - Read chapters 1-9 in the book, "Turn the Page" by Chris Brady (this whole book is fantastic, so please read the whole thing if you can.  But chapters 1-9 are required for class)

4 - Watch this video on "How to Prepare to Read a Book"

5 - Watch this depiction of the story of Moses and the Israelite's in Egypt.  Watch videos 15 & 16 found here.

6 - Read Chapter 2 in the book "In the Hands of the Potter" by Camille Fronk

7- Continue reading "The Golden Goblet".  It's due next week.


Do all of the following -

- Make a list of books that you have read that have changed you in some way.  Bring your list to class and be prepared to share it.

- Make a list of the last 20 books you've read.  Do you even remember?  Write down as many as you can.


Focus on the sections of the article, "46 Clues..."- spiritual, mental, emotional, physical- and answer the questions honestly.  How did you score?  Choose a goal in each of the four categories and start working on that goal this week.

How do these categories compare to what we know of the Savior's upbringing?  Read Luke 2:52.

Keep the categories from the scripture in mind as you set goals throughout this year and throughout your life.  When we focus too much on one category and neglect the others, we aren't living up to our full potential.  In order to serve our Heavenly Father the best, we must maintain a balance in our lives.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Oct Journeyman

October Journeyman Class

"Never before have I fully appreciated the intellectual muscle and the quantum of solid character required to produce the first modern REPUBLIC. I have gained a warm affection for the Founders. I have learned to see them as men imbued with all of our common weaknesses called "human nature," and yet capable of becoming victorious at a task which would have decimated weaker men."

--- W. Cleon Skousen 
"The Five Thousand Year Leap" (Preface, iii)


1. Read " The 7 Tipping Points that Saved the World" Chapter 2 

2.   Go to this link:
Read the article. 

3.  Watch the first 20 minutes of this video:

4.  Write notecards for:
         Persian Empire
       Battle of Salamis*
        Battle of Thermopylae*

* Not in Dictionary of Cultural Literacy! Just write a short definition in your own words. :D 

5. Read "The Declaration of Independence" and answer these questions in your commonplace book
                     Why was/is the Declaration of Independence so important?
                       By signing the Declaration, what were these men saying?
               Why do you think these men signed the Declaration of Independence? 


Get your notecards ready. Glue the picture of the signer in, so that we can get started right away! :D (If you don't know what I mean by notecards, and pictures of the signer's, then just come with out it, and I will explain to you after class!)

 Choose one of the following signers of the Declaration of Independence to do a 3-5 minute oral report on:


- Elbridge Gerry Paige 
- Stephen Hopkins Sis Cloward
- William Ellery


- Roger Sherman
- Samuel Huntington  Jessica
- William Williams    Hannah
- Oliver Wolcott


- Abraham Clark : Tara

(E-mail Mack at your choice so we don't double up.)


In the 7 Tipping Points that Saved the World, Demaratus the traitor talks of the Spartan Army. He says,  "Sparta will NEVER accept your terms... Even if all of Greece were to lie down before your army, the spartans would stand and fight. It matters not how many or how few. If only a thousand should take to battle before your army of a million, they will stand and fight... They will stand and fight you there is but one Spartan warrior left. It is there law. It is there honor. It is the reason they were born. "

1. Read this talk by Sheri Dew, " You were born to lead, your were born for glory .

We are the VANGUARD! What does Vanguard mean? The Vanguard is the forefront of an army. If we are the Vanguard, we are the best warriors, the ones that are put in the front. The ones that bring fear to the wicked and the enemy because of how strong and powerful they are. The Spartans.  The Vanguard.

2.  Journal about what it means to be born for Glory. What does it mean to be "The Vanguard."
How can we be leaders of an army? And how can we be like Spartan warriors, and NEVER accept the adversary's terms. Always standing, and always fighting.

We are the VANGUARD!!! It is our law. Our honor. It is the reason WE were born.

Oct Master

October Master Class


Do all of the following:

1 - Read "The 5,000 Year Leap" Principle 2: A Virtuous People

2 - From the "Dictionary of Cultural Literacy" write the following on your cards:
            - chimera
            - James Madison


Do a word study on either Virtuous or Moral. (Find out how to do a word study here.)


Shortly after King Solomon of the Old Testament built a temple in Israel that was dedicated and accepted by God,  God made the following promise to the Israelite's:

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
--- 2 Chronicles 7:14

In our day, more than ever, our land needs healing.  What are the requirements in the scripture that we must do to obtain this promise from God?  In your journal, list the things that we promise to do and then list the things that God promises us.  Set three goals you can do to better live up to your end of the covenant and start working on one of them this week.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

"46 Clues You’re Enslaving Yourself Voluntarily"

"46 Clues You’re Enslaving Yourself Voluntarily"
by Stephen Palmer at

"It’s ironic how many captives proudly pledge allegiance to the flag.

Funny how fervently we proclaim we’re willing to die for freedom, but are unwilling to live free in our daily lives.

Strange how much lip service we give to being grateful for our freedom, while constantly trampling on that precious gift with poor choices.

We don’t need chains, whips, and jail cells to be held captive.

Involuntary servitude is a crime against humanity. But voluntary servitude is a crime against nature, as it stifles our joy and constrains our potential.

As I explain in my book, Uncommon Sense, Viktor Frankl locked in a concentration camp cell is more free than the drug or pornography addict in America.

Voluntary servitude — and its opposite, personal freedom — come in five forms: spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and financial.

Answer the following questions to determine just how free you are in your life:

1. Spiritual Freedom

To be spiritually free is to have a close relationship with your Creator, adhere to your conscience, serve your fellow man, and to know and live your purpose with faith and courage.
To be in bondage spiritually is to be a stranger to God, to indulge the lusts of the flesh, to be fearful and selfish, and to wander through life without the rudder and North Star of purpose.

  • Do you pray daily, sincerely, earnestly?
  • Do you meditate daily?
  • Do you study your spiritual text daily?
  • Do you have a close, meaningful, and personal relationship with your Creator?
  • Do you follow spiritual promptings you receive without hesitation?
  • Do you view pornography?
  • Do you routinely watch movies or listen to music that are below your values and spiritual standards?
  • Do you honor your marriage vows in thought, word, and deed?
  • How often do you serve others with no thought for getting anything in return?
  • Do you have a clearly defined life purpose? Are you in tune with your calling? Do you know what you were born to do and become?
  • Do you know what you’re trying to make happen in the world and how you will measure success?
  • Is your life purpose written down, and do you read it daily?

2. Mental Freedom

To be mentally free is to know how think analytically, holistically, and creatively and to know the ideals one should strive for through liberal education.  As Leo Strauss said, “Liberal education consists in reminding oneself of human excellence, of human greatness.”

Liberal education is gained by studying the greatest thinkers, ideas, and works in history: the Bible, Shakespeare, Aurelius, Aristotle, Plato, Calvin, Tolstoy, C.S. Lewis, Gandhi, etc.
Mental bondage is ignorance, to be a robot in conveyor-belt education, to never question why we do things or how to do them better.

  • Do you engage in formal education primarily for job training?
  • Has your education fostered, encouraged, and rewarded creativity, initiative, “outside-the-box” thinking?
  • Do you know what the “good life” means and how to live it?
  • Do you regularly read works from the authors listed above, and from others like them?
  • Are you actively engaged in the “Great Conversation”?
  • Do you spend more time watching TV than reading good, inspiring books?
  • Do you read merely for entertainment, or to seek truth, expand your soul, and become more virtuous and wise?

3. Emotional Freedom

To be emotionally free is to be healed from wounds through forgiveness and gratitude, and to be consistently joyful.

Emotional bondage is to be a victim, a reactionary puppet on the strings of our wounds.

  • Do you harbor hurt feelings and anger toward people who have caused you pain?
  • Do you have a hard time forgiving?
  • Are you easily offended?
  • Do you often lose your temper and say things you regret?
  • Are you generally optimistic, or pessimistic?
  • Do you suffer from depression?
  • Is your self-talk negative and limiting?
  • How often do you express heartfelt gratitude to God, family, and friends?

4. Physical Freedom

To be physically free is to be free from physical addictions and the agendas of agricultural corporations and to enjoy maximized health and wellness through proper diet and exercise.

Physical bondage most often manifests as obesity, chronic illness, addictions to physical substances, and dependence on prescription drugs. (And clearly, there are biological factors beyond our control that affect these.)

  • Does your diet consist primarily of processed foods?
  • Do you garden? If so, do you use GMO seeds?
  • Do you exercise regularly?
  • Is your weight healthy?
  • Do you often use prescription drugs to deal with ailments?
  • Do you treat illness by simply masking symptoms, or by dealing with root causes?

5. Financial Freedom

To be financially free is to be debt-free and economically self-reliant.

As Garrett Gunderson and I detail in Killing Sacred Cows, financial bondage is to be indebted to banks, to fall prey to financial propaganda from institutions with vested interests, to be dependent on corporations, and to work for benefits and security rather than for purpose.

  • Do you dislike your occupation but stick with it primarily for money, benefits, and “security”?
  • Is your occupation a worthy expression of your values, talents, passion, and purpose?
  • Does your occupation fill you with a deep sense of fulfillment?
  • If you were to get fired today, would your knowledge, skills, grit, and initiative allow you to replace your income quickly — even outside your current field?
  • Do you earn money living your purpose?
  • Do you have three to six months’ of expenses in a savings account?
  • Do you save 10 percent of your income?
  • Do you have any credit card debt?
  • Are you making monthly payments on any depreciating liability (car, furniture, etc.)?
  • Have you ever bought on credit because of a deal like “90 days same as cash” or “1 year interest free”?
  • Are you “invested” in a 401(k) or other mainstream financial product, such a mutual fund? If so, do you understand in depth what you’re “invested” in?

I don’t know about you, but I have some work to do.

I ponder the words of John Quincy Adams:

“Posterity: you will never know how much it has cost my generation 
to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it.”"

Friday, September 2, 2016

Sept Apprentice: Leadership & Imaginative Arts combined classes

September Apprentice

Discovering the Potter:  Finding God

But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, 
and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.

- Isaiah 64:8


Do all of the following:

1 - Read the book "Remembering Isaac" by Ben Behunin

2 - Write the scripture, Isaiah 64:8, on a card and memorize it this month

3 - Read Chapter 1: Discovering the Potter in the book "In the Hands of the Potter" by Camille Fronk

4 - Make a magazine cover about yourself with at least 3 stories on it.    Make sure you include 2 truths and a lie.  This will help us get to know you better.


There are many unexplained phenomenons in the history of the world.  We are sometimes given the impression that the people of the ancient civilizations were primitive cave men or barbarians who were only smart enough to kill food to survive.  But the people of the ancient world were very smart people who did amazing things.  Such amazing things that even with our modern genius and sophisticated technology, we still can't explain how they did what they did.  Here is a list of history's mysteries.  Choose one to research and come prepared with a 3-5 minute presentation to share with the class.  (E-mail Sis. Cloward which one you choose so that we don't double up)

  • Easter Island, Chili - ANTHONY
  • Gobekli Tepe - PAIGE
  • Lost City of Atlantis - AFTON
  • The Antikythera Mechanism - JESSICA
  • The Lost City of Mohenjo-Daro, Pakistan - CALEB
  • El Mirador, Guatemala - JAYKOB
  • Underground Churches of Lalibela, Ethiopia - KYLEE
  • Teotihuacan, Mexico (The Pyramid of the Sun) - MACK
  • Leshan Giant Buddha, China - SIS. CLOWARD
  • Chand Baori, India - EMMA
  • Tiwanacu and Puma Punku
  • Nazca lines - AMANDA
  • Sacsayhuaman - TARA
  • Stonehenge - ISA
  • Costa Rica Stone Spheres - SETH
  • Trilithon at Baalbeck - KYLIANNE
  • Great Pyramid of Giza - JAYSON 
  • Enormous Conehead of Paracas, Peru


In "Remembering Isaac", Josh, the apple man, tells Jake "I have learned over the years from my own experience and from watching others that God can make a heck of a lot more out of our lives if we're willing to be shaped."

In the Oct. 2015 General Conference, Sis. Marriott quoted the song, "Have Thine Own Way, Lord" and then said:

"Have Thine own way, Lord!
 Have Thine own way!
Thou art the Potter;
I am the clay.
Mould me and make me
After Thy will,
While I am waiting,
Yielded and still.

How do we, a modern, busy, competitive people, become yielded and still? How do we make the Lord’s ways our ways? I believe we begin by learning of Him and praying for understanding. As our trust in Him grows, we open our hearts, seek to do His will, and wait for answers that will help us understand."

Think about your own life.  How can you be more "yielded and still" and moldable in the hands of God?  Find a scripture story that shows someone being molded and directed by God.  Read the story and then journal about how you can allow God into your life to guide and direct you.  Set a goal to work on one way this week.

Sept. Journeyman

September Journeyman Class

"Never before have I fully appreciated the intellectual muscle and the quantum of solid character required to produce the first modern REPUBLIC. I have gained a warm affection for the Founders. I have learned to see them as men imbued with all of our common weaknesses called "human nature," and yet capable of becoming victorious at a task which would have decimated weaker men."

--- W. Cleon Skousen 
"The Five Thousand Year Leap" (Preface, iii)


Do all of the following:

1 - Read "The 5,000 Year Leap" Forward, Introduction by Glenn Beck, and Part 1 through the section entitled "The Founders Struggle to Establish People's Law in the Balanced Center" ending on page 19.

2 - Read "The 5,000 Year Leap" Principle 1: Natural Law

3 - From the "Dictionary of Cultural Literacy" write the following on your cards:
            - Cicero
            - John Locke
            - Charles Montesquieu
            - natural law
            - John Adams
            - John Hancock


Choose one of the following signers of the Declaration of Independence to do a 3-5 minute oral report on:


- Josiah Bartlett
- William Whipple
- Matthew Thornton


- John Hancock
- John Adams - SETH
- Samuel Adams - SIS. CLOWARD
- Robert Treat Paine


- George Rose - EMMA

(E-mail Mack your choice so we don't double up -


In 1976 Pres. Ezra Taft Benson said the following:

"Fifty-six men signed the document on August 2, 1776, or, in the case of some, shortly thereafter. They pledged their lives!—and at least nine of them died as a result of the war. If the Revolution had failed, if their fight had come to naught, they would have been hanged as traitors. They pledged their fortunes!—and at least fifteen fulfilled that pledge to support the war effort. They pledged their sacred honor!—best expressed by the noble statement of John Adams. He said: “All that I have, and all that I am, and all that I hope, in this life, I am now ready here to stake upon it; and I leave off as I begun, that live or die, survive or perish, I am for the Declaration. It is my living sentiment, and by the blessing of God it shall be my dying sentiment, Independence, now, and INDEPENDENCE FOR EVER.” (Works of Daniel Webster, Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1877, 17th ed., 1:135.)

If you don't already have a testimony that this country and all who brought it forth were inspired of God, ask Heavenly Father to bear witness of it to you.

Say a prayer of thanks to Heavenly Father this week for our country, our liberties, the Founding Fathers and our sacred founding documents and ask Him what he would have you do to defend them.

Sept Master

September Master Class

1 - Read the Preface, Introduction and Chapter 1: Two Gods at War in the book "7 Tipping Points that Saved the World" by Chris & Ted Stewart

2 - Read a Biblical account of this same story.  You can find it in the following places.  Read one:  2 Kings 18-19, 2 Chronicles 32 and Isaiah 36-37

3 - Read this part of an article about Hezekiah


Use your commonplace book and journal on your feelings about this story and answer the
following questions.  Do you think it was Divine intervention that saved the Israelites or a freak illness?    Write down King Hezekiah's character traits that we learn in the article.  How did these traits help him have faith in God to withstand certain destruction?  What did the people need to do to be saved by God?


Set a goal this week to become more like King Hezekiah and journal in your common place book how you've done.

Article on Hezekiah

"After Solomon’s forty-year reign, his son Rehoboam went to Shechem to be made the king. He sought the counsel of the elders regarding how he should rule. “And they spake unto him, saying, If thou wilt be a servant unto this people this day, and wilt serve them, and answer them, and speak good words to them, then they will be thy servants for ever.” (1 Kgs. 12:7; italics added.) The Savior gave his disciples similar counsel when he taught them, “If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all.” (Mark 9:35.) Within the kingdom of God, to lead is to serve.

But Rehoboam rejected the counsel which required him to humble himself and to serve others. Instead, he chose to reign over Israel with a very heavy hand, thus causing a great division into the northern Kingdom of Israel and the southern Kingdom of Judah. (See 1 Kgs. 12:20.)

For the next 220 years the people generally set aside their sacred covenants, thus wandering in the ways of the world. Then a young man named Hezekiah began to reign in Judah. “And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord,” and “He trusted in the Lord God of Israel.” (2 Kgs. 18:3, 5.)

Hezekiah gathered together the priesthood bearers of the day and said, “Hear me, ye Levites, sanctify now yourselves, and sanctify the house of the Lord God of your fathers, and carry forth the filthiness out of the holy place.” (2 Chr. 29:5.) “Be not ye like your fathers, and like your brethren, which trespassed against the Lord God … but yield yourselves unto the Lord, … and serve the Lord your God.” (2 Chr. 30:7–8.)

In response to this assertive leader, who was supported by the prophet Isaiah, “the Lord hearkened to Hezekiah, and healed the people” (2 Chr. 30:20), and “in their set office they sanctified themselves in holiness” (2 Chr. 31:18).

From King Hezekiah, as from King Benjamin (see Mosiah 2–5), we can learn a very positive lesson on leadership: circumstances do not always need to remain the same. Leaders can make a difference! Faith in the Lord and high expectations can bring about a mighty change of heart among an entire people."

by Elder Spencer J. Condie (Apr. 1990)