Thursday, February 6, 2020

February 2020 Leadership Academy



Do all the following:

Read these articles:
Read these talks by Pres. Benson:
Read chapters 13-15 in Success Principles for Teens.  Write down 3 points that stood out to you from each chapter.

Write out your answers to the questions at the end of Ch. 13 on pp. 150-151.


Answer these questions in your commonplace book:
  • How is the Lord thinking win-win?  Site 3 examples
  • How does the Spirit of the Lord support those who follow Him in the midst of trials?  Write about 1 example
  • How did the Lord begin preparing His people through President Benson for our day ?
  • How has the reading of the book of Mormon influenced your parents?
  • What are you gaining from the book of Mormon study this year?  Site three examples of win-win 

This quote sums up their relationship:

"In her effort to help him do so, [Flora] joined him in putting God first."

How is this thinking win/win in their relationship with each other and with God?  Journal for 15
minutes about how you can be win/win in all of your relationships.  What are you already doing well?  What can you do better?  Choose 1 thing and work on it this week.


Read the Tuttle Twins and the Search for Atlas

The Tuttle Twins and the Search for Atlas: Connor Boyack

Write down three examples of Socialism that you see happening in the United States. Feel free to Google it and/or ask your parents for ideas.

Read The Tuttle Twins and Their Spectacular Show Business

Also, watch minutes 1:00-13:00 in this video:

Kids Pitch Brilliant Products to the 'Shark Tank' Tycoons!

Think of a problem that could be solved with a new invention, or something that already exists that could be improved.  Design your idea on paper and prepare a one-minute pitch for our Shark Pond judges.  Bring a prototype, or at least a drawing to show them.