This course is an attempt to strike at the root.
--- The ten Boom Institute
1 - Read "Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce" by John Piper. This is the 80 page version of the book.

Because the book we are reading is condensed, we don't get a lot of Wilberforce's life story and it makes it a little confusing. Do some research on him as a man and on slavery in Britain and the fight he undertook.
2 - Take notes and mark your book as you read. There are a lot of quotes you will love!
1 - Choose one of your favorite quotes from the book and design a poster with it to hang in your room. For class, we will be sharing the quotes, telling why it was your favorite and then displaying them on "the wire".
2 - Elder Quentin L. Cook said the following in Oct. 2010:
"William Wilberforce, the great British statesman who was instrumental in outlawing the slave trade in Great Britain, is an excellent example. “Amazing Grace,” the touching hymn, and the inspiring movie of the same name capture the feeling of the early 1800s and describe the account of his heroic effort. Wilberforce’s untiring efforts were among the first steps in eliminating this terrible, oppressive, cruel, and venal practice. As part of that effort he, together with other leaders, set out to reform public morality. He believed that education and government had to be morally based. “His … vision of moral and spiritual enrichment was what he lived for, whether in defending the institution of marriage, attacking the practices of the slave trade or emphatically defending the Sabbath day.” With great energy he helped mobilize the country’s moral and social leaders in a nationwide struggle against vice."
What do you think had more of an impact on the society of Great Britain, the end of the slave trade or the moral reform taken up by Wilberforce and his contemporaries? Write a 3 paragraph essay explaining your answer and defending your opinion. Be prepared to share your opinions in class and turn in your written paper.
3 - William Wilberforce in one of my very favorite people to learn about. He is one on my heroes. Choose one of your heroes and plan a 5 minute presentation for the class on this person. They can be living or dead and from any period in the history of the world. To find out how prepare a presentation for class, click here. This will be a presentation without electronics, ie... prezi, power point or projector. And as always, do not bore us!
3 - William Wilberforce in one of my very favorite people to learn about. He is one on my heroes. Choose one of your heroes and plan a 5 minute presentation for the class on this person. They can be living or dead and from any period in the history of the world. To find out how prepare a presentation for class, click here. This will be a presentation without electronics, ie... prezi, power point or projector. And as always, do not bore us!
The song, "Amazing Grace" was written by the friend of Wilberforce, John Newton. Listen to the song several times while reading the words. How does it make you feel? Journal about your feelings about the song and your feelings towards the Savior for giving you His "amazing grace".
There are many versions of this song online you can listen to. You can find one or listen to this one. It's my favorite, done by Alan Jackson.
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch; like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed!
The Lord hath promised good to me,
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures.
When we’ve been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
Than when we first begun.
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