1 - Read chapter 10 in "Just Like Jesus" by Max Lucado.
2 - Read "The Family: a Proclamation to the World"
3 - Read Moroni 7:41

- Read this article: "Mothers Who Know" by Julie B. Beck
- Read this article: "The Moral Force of Women" by Elder D. Todd Christofferson
- Find principles as you read and record them in your commonplace book.

- Read this article: "Fatherhood—Our Eternal Destiny" by Larry M. Gibson
- Read this article: "Fatherhood, an Eternal Calling" by Elder L. Tom Perry
- Find principles as you read and record them in your commonplace book.
Choose 1 of the following:

- Reread "The Family" paragraph 7. Journal in your commonplace book about the different responsibilities of each family member: What are the responsibilities of a mother? A father? A brother or sister? A grandparent or other extended family member? What should a father and mother do together? Why do you think God divided the roles like He did and why do you think He gave different strengths (and weaknesses) to men and women? What kind of mother or father do you want to be? Make a list in your journal to refer back to often. Come prepared to teach the class what you learned and find a creative way to share.
- Read about the stripling warriors (found in Alma 56–58), and how they were taught in their homes to be obedient and righteous. What do you think their homes were like? Make a list in your journal about the important things you want to have in your own home when you grow up. Why are these things important to you? Make a list of 5 things that you can do now to make those things come to pass in the future. Come prepared to teach the class what you learned and find a creative way to share.
- Think about the skills that it takes to be a parent. Choose a physical skill (something you DO, cooking, cleaning, art, laundry, reading, decorating, etc) that you aren't strong in. Use your imagination. Learn how to do it this week and bring a demonstration to class to teach the class what you learned. (If you choose cooking, you can bring us something to eat if you want to. ;)

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