"Despite everything they had lived through- despite the fact that almost 90% of them had died- despite their suffering fear and hunger, the colonists agreed to stay. They turned around, sailed up the James River, unpacked at Jamestown, and started to build again."
~ 7 Miracles that Saved America
1. Read Chapter 2 of The 7 Miracles that Saved America (The Miracle at Jamestown.) MARK YOUR BOOK! (You might want to pay attention while reading it.. there may or may not be a game with candy... maybe.) 😉 Also, mark on your timeline any important events.
2. Notecards: (Write as notecards or in commonplace book.Definitions are in the dictionary of cultural literacy.)
English Colonists
John Smith
3. Go to this site: the real Pocahontas Read some of it. Skim it. (Unless you want a well-rounded education then read it all. I found it really interesting.)
4. Review pages 73-78 of the 7 miracles that Saved America book. (The John Smith parts)
5. Watch Disney's Pocahontas.
6. Make a list comparing the similarities and differences from the historical version of Pocahontas and the Disney movie. Make at least 5.

1. Read Moses 6:63, and 2 Nephi 11:4. Now read them one more time, using punctuation and going slowly. Write them in your commonplace book. (DO NOT COME TO CLASS UNLESS YOU HAVE WRITTEN THE SCRIPTURES DOWN WORD FOR WORD! If you've already been to one of my classes, then just read them. BUT READ THEM! Also, there is a new chart about snow. Read that too!)
2. Go to this site: Symbols of Christ
It's a google doc I created for everyone. You should be able to edit... If not, email me at bethedingledody@gmail.com and I will fix that. READ IT ALL! There should be some scriptures and a definition at the top and five pages after that, so keep scrolling. For my Know/Understand part of all my Journeyman classes, I thought it'd be cool to learn about the symbolism of Christ.
If you've never been to my class then do this:
In the google doc, I want you to read the symbolism about mosquitoes and the symbolism of snow that I have provided as an example. Tara and I studied mosquitoes last year and this is what we found. Read it all. It will BLOW YOUR MIND! Take number 1 under the physical trait side, and then to see how that specific trait is symbolic of Christ, read #1 under the Spiritual Reality side. If you have any questions, email me and I can help. We also will be going over this in class.
3. Study watermelon. You read correctly, WATERMELON! I went from mosquitoes to a fruit, so watermelon! We are going to see how watermelon is symbolic of Jesus Christ next. 'Cause IT IS! ALL THINGS God created are symbolic of Jesus Christ. You can spend up to 10 minutes to five hours on this. MINIMUM OF 10 MINUTES!!! I'd really like you to know a lot about a watermelon though, so the longer the better. MAKE A LIST of at least 5 facts about a watermelon on the google doc. Please be serious, not funny. (Try to dig deeper. When Tara and I studied mosquitoes we had to get deeper facts, like how they're born, etc... so look under unique or interesting facts about watermelon. SCIENTIFIC facts are really awesome for this, 'cause that just proves that they are symbolic.)
LivescienceWatermelon is a good site to learn about them, but it does only talk about health benefits etc. so read other sites too.
4. UPLOAD YOUR LIST TO THE CHART. We will talk about the Spiritual Reality in class. (You can scroll down on the google document, and there should be a chart already for Watermelon. Scroll past mosquitoes, hippos, and snow. PLEASE type your list in the chart so that we have it there. I've put two in.)
Journal about this quote from the book.
"We've paid a terrible price, far greater than any of us had to bear. But, it's important Mary, this settlement of Jamestown. And, there's a reason we are here. We have to keep on fighting. We have to keep on living. We can't give up and lose our hope."
What do you feel about while reading that quote? Are you happy the colonists decided to turn back? Do you think that was a miracle or just a coincidence? How do you think about this quote in relation to your trials?
That all might have been a bit confusing, but I promise it will make tons of sense in no time! If you have any questions you can email, or call me. (bethedingledody@gmail.com)
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