Thursday, September 22, 2022

Leadership Masters Month 1; Sep 2022

Leadership Masters Month 1; Sep 2022

1. Read this very inspiring Book:

Albert Schweitzer

Let's find out about the guy who inspired Sis Zabriskie to name Jefferson after him!

2. As you read,  find at least 2 inspiring quotes.  Mark them in your book, or write them down.  If you have an idea for the sticker contact Sis Martin by Wednesday at noon.

Jennah Martin: 719-494-7522

3. Look up humanitarian aid and find out what others are doing to make a difference.  Read an article about a humanitarian story and be prepared to talk about it as part of our discussion.

You can use the Church Humanitarian Site, a local charity such as Tabithas Way, or any other humanitarian organization you can find.

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