“What is the answer to the dilemma that surrounds us? The answer is to love our Founders, our country, our founding document, and the God that gave them to us. We must teach that love to our children, pray for our leaders and plead for help. The answer is to get involved.”
- Pam Openshaw, author of “Promises of the Constitution”
1 – Read: John Q. Adam's letter to his son, George (seen below)
2 – Read: D&C 109:7

4 - Read or watch: talk by Ezra Taft Benson from April 1976 "The Constitution - A Glorious Standard"
5 – Watch this video about how to give a speech. Scroll down to “Method 1 of 5” and start there.
- “The longer I live the more convincing proofs I see...that God governs in the affairs of men...I...believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel.” - Benjamin Franklin during the Constitutional Convention. Find 5 scriptures that back up this idea that God prepared this land and these men to create our country and Constitution. Think about ways you can better obey the laws of the land and be a better citizen. Set a goal and write a plan of how you can accomplish it. Bring your plan to class.

- Imagine you are one of the Founding Fathers – How do you feel after writing and signing the Constitution? Write a letter home to your family to explain your feelings.
- Summarize in your own words the points about the Constitution that Pres. Benson spoke about in his talk. Choose one to teach your family about this week and then be prepared to teach the class. Why is it important to uphold our nation's Constitution?
- While reading "Promises of the Constitution", choose one of those main concepts and choose a way to teach it to the class. You can use a Prezi or Power Point presentation, white board discussion, object lesson, short game or activity or simulation, or find a video online to help you teach the concept.
(If you are doing more than 1 level of class this week, just choose ONE Become/serve for the whole week.)
- Although some people may be blessed with a keen mind, most people need to put forth effort in order to improve their minds and ability to reason. In section 5.4 of “Promises of the Constitution” we read about James Madison. Daily, James Madison prepared for logical decisions during the Constitutional Convention by sitting in the front center and taking many notes. Read Romans 12:2 and make a list of 10 things that you can do in your life to “renew your mind” daily and keep your heart turned to God. (Some could include cleaning up their space, organizing, getting rid of a bad habit like foul language, reading your scriptures, etc) Choose one of those things to work on this week and come prepared to class to share your experience.

- In “Promises of the Constitution” section 5.13 we read about Benjamin Franklin. His travels to Great Britain and France and the many years he spent there were not vacations, but business trips that involved a lot of hard work, negotiations and frustration. He served his fellow men and made many sacrifices for his country. Think of ways that someone your age can serve your country. Choose one and start to do it this week and come prepared to class to share your experience.
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