“What is the answer to the dilemma that surrounds us? The answer is to love our Founders, our country, our founding document, and the God that gave them to us. We must teach that love to our children, pray for our leaders and plead for help. The answer is to get involved.” - Pam Openshaw, author of “Promises of the Constitution”

3 - Do a word study on "balance" as it applies to "an equal distribution or weight or importance" or "equality on all sides"
- In "Promises of the Constitution" 9.1 the author describes six claims to the right of self-government (which are found in the Preamble to the Constitution). Of those six, which is the most important to you personally, and why? Find a creative way to teach the class about that claim and why it's so important to you and what you can do to defend it. Bring it to class to share.
- We read this month in "Promises of the Constitution" about the importance of having balance in government. Create an acrostic (find out how, here) for the word balance. Use what you learned from your word study to help you. Bring it to class to share.
- In "Promises of the Constitution" 9.10 we learn about our government borrowing money. "It is our constitutional birthright to enjoy a sound economy and a stable money system. Our personal actions can help. Each of us can discipline ourselves, eliminate personal debt, and demand legislative accountability. We can petition God's help to reduce our indebtedness. We need not do this alone." The author describes being in debt as being "in bondage" or "in chains". Find 5 quotes from General Authorities and 5 scriptures that talk to us about being in debt. Is debt a good thing or a bad thing? Do you agree that debt is "bondage"? Journal your answer for 10 minutes. Bring your quotes, scriptures and opinion to class to share.
- Answer the following questions from "Promises of the Constitution":
--In the original Constitution which was the only branch of government
authorized to create laws? Is that the way it is today?
--In what year were several amendments added to the Constitution
that changed the structure of power and money in our national government?
--Explain the before and after of the 17th Amendment.
What negative side effects has it caused?
--Explain the before and after of the 16th Amendment.
--Before 1913 Congress coined and regulated money. To whom did
they give that power? What things happened because of that change?
(If you are doing more than 1 level of class this week, just choose ONE Become/serve for the whole week.)
Think over your own life. How can you see the "law of the harvest" at work in your life? Choose one area in your life that you want to improve and set some goals that will bring the end result you would like and then go to work and watch the "law of the harvest" work for you.
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