This course is an attempt to strike at the root.
--- The ten Boom Institute
1 - Read The 5000 Year Leap Preface, Introduction & Part 1
2 - Research the author of the 5000 Year Leap, W. Cleon Skousen. What type of man was he? What motivated him to write this book?
3 - Watch this 10 minute video. It brings together what Skousen is talking about in part 1 of the 5000 Year Leap.
4 - Read the article "Your Standard of Truth" from the CD (the terms "core book" and "central classic" mean the same things and will be used interchangeably as we go forward.)
Principles of Liberty - Introduction

2 - Research the author of the 5000 Year Leap, W. Cleon Skousen. What type of man was he? What motivated him to write this book?
3 - Watch this 10 minute video. It brings together what Skousen is talking about in part 1 of the 5000 Year Leap.
4 - Read the article "Your Standard of Truth" from the CD (the terms "core book" and "central classic" mean the same things and will be used interchangeably as we go forward.)
Choose one of the following:
- In the article "Your Standard of Truth", she talks about the core books/central classic of many different cultures and parts of the world. What would you consider to be your core book? Read through the eight action steps for using a core book found on page 12 of the article. Choose one of the things from the list that you aren't already doing and write down 2 things you can do to better use your central classic in your life. Come to class ready to share your central classic and how you plan to study it better.
- In the article "Your Standard of Truth", she talks about the core books/central classic of many different cultures and parts of the world. What would you consider to be your central classic? From your central classic, find your favorite story. What lesson does this story teach? Come to class prepared to share the story with us (in a fun, original way) and teach us the lesson(s) found there.

- Come to class with an interesting, creative way to teach us about the 11 characteristics of Rulers Law found in The 5000 Year Leap: Part 1.
- Come to class with an interesting, creative way to teach us about the 9 characteristics of People’s Law found in The 5000 Year Leap: Part 1.
- Come to class with an interesting, creative way to teach us about the characteristics of People’s Law of ancient Israel, and note the similarities to the laws of the Anglo-Saxons found in The 5000 Year Leap: Part 1.
- Come to class with an interesting, creative way to teach us about why the Articles of Confederation were unsuccessful, and the weakness that was exposed during the battle of Valley Forge.
- Choose a 3 members of the Constitutional Convention and come to class with an interesting, creative way to teach us about their basic beliefs, their varied backgrounds and the people that inspired them.
In the Preface of The 5000 Year Leap, the author tells us what he learned about the Founders while writing the book. He says:
"Never before have I fully appreciated the intellectual muscle and the quantum of solid character required to produce the first modern republic. I have gained a warm affection for the Founders. I have learned to see them as men imbued with all of our common weaknesses called "human nature," and yet capable of becoming victorious at the task which would have decimated weaker men."
And Pres. Ezra Taft Benson said of them:
"Yes, I thank God for the sacrifices and efforts made by these Founding Fathers, whose efforts have brought us the blessings of political liberty and economic prosperity we have today. Their lives should be reminders that we are the blessed beneficiaries of a liberty earned by great sacrifices of property, reputation, and life."
Our Founding Fathers were put in the right place, at the right time by our Heavenly Father to accomplish a great work for this nation and for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
In your prayers this week, thank your Heavenly Father for these men and for the liberties they gave to us.
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