Sunday, February 11, 2018

Apprentice - February 2018 1800 to 1830s. We are a Nation, Hallelujah!

February Apprentice Feb 15, 2018

Study and Learn:
The LDS History PDF file
Note there are some pages that I have skipped on purpose. We will do these skipped pages next time

  Manifest Destiny -
  XYZ affair -
  War Hawks -
  Impressment -
  Privateer -
  Nullification -

Watch and learn a short video about Louisiana Purchase
TED-Ed Originals by Judy Walton
Was this the greatest land deal in history?
Why did Napoleon want to sell us the land?
Jefferson accused the Federalist of doing things outside of the Constitution, did Jefferson also overstep his Constitutional authority as President?

Watch and learn :
Crash Course on 1812 (12:42 minutes)
What are three interesting things that learned about this War?

American Ride about the War of 1812, The Star Spangled Banner (25 minutes)
What started the War?
Why did the British burn Washington?
Why was a lawyer a prisoner on a British ship and what gift did he create for the people of United States of America?
What is the title of the poem?

Read article about The Burning of Washington

Watch video about Andrew Jackson (25 minutes)
Note three things you learned about Andrew Jackson.
Do you think Jackson could be elected today?

Become and Serve:
Truth: The Foundation of Correct Decisions Richard G. Scott, Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
What does Elder Scott teach about truth?

Next Month we will learn about Joseph Smith and the Church, the Texas Revolution, and the War with Mexico

Friday, February 9, 2018

February Journeyman Leadership Class

February Journeymen Class


OKAY!!! So, we have A LOT of work to do and knowledge to learn! But, I'll try to make it fun! :) In order to finish the book by the end of the year we have to double up on a couple chapters.


1. Read chapter 4 of The 7 Miracles That Saved America (The Miracle of Our Constitution)
 (So, in order to finish the entire book by the vanguard year, we have to double up on chapters sometimes, and this is one of those times.)

2. Watch these SHORT videos:

500 Miles Bill of Rights   (Wasn't that like the BEST thing EVER?!? Sorry it's stuck in your head now! I gotta learn this song!)

CONSTITUTION despacito  (I know the world JUST got Despacito OUT of our heads, but this teaches a lot! This guy is good!)

The Great Compromise Hotline Bling (It talks about this in the book so pay attention!)

3. Read chapter 5 of The 7 Miracles That Saved America (The miracle of Abraham Lincoln and the battle of Gettysburg)

4. Watch these SHORT videos about the civil war:

Dred Scott decision Just a Friend 

North and South Sides Cheap Trills

South has Seceded Hooked on a Feeling!

WOW! I am so impressed with this guy. Mr. Betts. He has hundreds of videos all about American and World history. They are SO SO SO good, funny, and make it easy to understand! I sat here and watched tons! And then proceeded to sing them all. A LOT. Are they all stuck in your head too? My favorite is the bill of rights one! ('Cause I don't trust your constitution and I think it needs something more! Haha! I love it!)


OK! The fun part! (As if those videos weren't SUPER fun already!) For Know and Understand YOU are going to make a parody! We are having a Vanguard Parody Party at Journeymen! You each need to write your own parody (a popular well known song that has different words to it. In this case teaches us history.)

I've constructed a "How to write a Parody" list for you:

1. Come up with a song.
2. Write different words to the song, but keep the same tune. (These can be about the constitution or civil war, or ANYTHING we've learned about this year. Or, if you'd rather not do a historical parody, then do one about what Vanguard means to you.)
3. Practice parody. (Wear a costume! Make it fun!)
4. Make or buy healthy or non-healthy snack to share for Mack's Journeymen class.
5. Put snack and costume in backpack. (Unless you wish to wear costume during apprentice- in which case come dressed in costume) And then make sure costume and snack are in backpack!
6. Practice parody one more time.
7. Bring backpack to Vanguard on Thursday.
8. Come to Mack's Journeymen class 'cause Journeymen is the best.
9. Come sing parody at our Vanguard Parody concert! Wow everyone with your mad skills! Come sing, eat snacks, and have a party.

If you ABSOLUTELY do NOT want to ever sing in front of us then you can either just say your parody as a poem or print out  a few copies of your parody and we'll all sing with you. BUT, the more people singing the better- we won't laugh at you or think you're off tune, I promise. Parodies are meant to be funny NOT PERFECT. Don't stress!

Bring a costume and an instrument if you want to and can play one. If you can't play an instrument or don't want to play to go along with your parody then please don't feel like you must bring one. :) Make it fun!!!

If you have no ideas you can email me at and I can help. Or on Mr. Betts website he has TONS!  Or someone like Weird Al. Just google Mr. Betts if you need ideas and thoughts on parodies.


Journal about this in commonplace book:

Why are Abraham Lincoln and the Constitution MIRACLES that SAVED America?

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

February 2018, Masters Class

Ok, I am doing this backwards by posting Masters first. Yes, I know. I am really excited about this. Here is a list of leaders in the early 1800s. For this timeline, our county was founded, we had the Constitution and Washington had served two terms as president. John Adams won the election of 1796 with Jefferson as Vice President. we will be learning Jefferson through Jackson.

From 1800. Things were very different from today. There are amazing leaders in our history. Look at this list review the list before you decide. you will be choosing two leaders. try to choose different ones from the list..Give a brief introduction to their history (family, birth, their early life and school, what they did for their greatness, and their death) this should be two or three paragraphs. for each of the two.

Then write a couple of paragraphs how these two fit together and their differences. Why are these two important in US history? How would our nation be less if they did not exist? How do their accomplishments effect us today?

Here is the list: Choose two (2):
Meriwether Lewis
William Clark
John Colter
Daniel Webster
John C Calhoun
Henry Clay
Andrew Jackson
Joseph Smith
Robert Fulton
John Marshall
Aaron Burr
John Jacob Astor (the first one, born in 1763)
Charles Pickney
Tenskwatawa or The Prophet
Oliver Perry
Dolly Madison
John Quincy Adams
Daniel Boone
Davy Crockett
Kit Carson
The Creek nation
Nat Turner
Martin Van Buren
Joesph Henry

If you have someone famous in your family history, contact me if you want to add them.

Apprentice coming up.