Sunday, February 11, 2018

Apprentice - February 2018 1800 to 1830s. We are a Nation, Hallelujah!

February Apprentice Feb 15, 2018

Study and Learn:
The LDS History PDF file
Note there are some pages that I have skipped on purpose. We will do these skipped pages next time

  Manifest Destiny -
  XYZ affair -
  War Hawks -
  Impressment -
  Privateer -
  Nullification -

Watch and learn a short video about Louisiana Purchase
TED-Ed Originals by Judy Walton
Was this the greatest land deal in history?
Why did Napoleon want to sell us the land?
Jefferson accused the Federalist of doing things outside of the Constitution, did Jefferson also overstep his Constitutional authority as President?

Watch and learn :
Crash Course on 1812 (12:42 minutes)
What are three interesting things that learned about this War?

American Ride about the War of 1812, The Star Spangled Banner (25 minutes)
What started the War?
Why did the British burn Washington?
Why was a lawyer a prisoner on a British ship and what gift did he create for the people of United States of America?
What is the title of the poem?

Read article about The Burning of Washington

Watch video about Andrew Jackson (25 minutes)
Note three things you learned about Andrew Jackson.
Do you think Jackson could be elected today?

Become and Serve:
Truth: The Foundation of Correct Decisions Richard G. Scott, Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
What does Elder Scott teach about truth?

Next Month we will learn about Joseph Smith and the Church, the Texas Revolution, and the War with Mexico

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