Read chapters 9-12 in Success Principles for Teens.
Think about and answer the following as you go through the chapters:
1. Ch. 9: Think of what you would like your life to be 5-10 years from now. See it in your mind. Write a page describing the picture you have created of your life. Talk about it as if you are already in it. Describe your job, family, house, etc. Have fun with it and come prepared to share it with the class.
2. Ch. 10: What is one goal that you would like to accomplish this year? What are some roadblocks that could get in your way? What will you do to overcome them?
3. Ch. 11: What is an area of your life where fear stops you from accomplishing something that you would like to do? How might you work to overcome that fear?
4. Ch. 12: Think of something you want to do in your life (it could be a profession, hobby, a talent, etc.) and find out more about it in one of the following ways: 1) interview someone who is already doing it; 2) read a book about it to find out more about it, 3) watch a video of someone who is already doing it and see what you can learn about it. Find out what it would take to accomplish it and write a rough draft plan of how you could get started on it.
1. Read The Road to Surfdom and also
The Road to Serfdom in comics: (you might want to copy this one into a document and print it out).

Write your answers to the following questions:
1. In a few sentences, summarize what you think Hayek was trying to say.
2. Do you think it's possible that Hayek could be right in his assessment?
3. Have we seen these things happen in our world? In our cities?
2. Read The Tuttle Twins The Golden Rule. Answer the discussion questions on page 60.


1 - Read: “Laddie” by Gene Stratton Porter. Mark passages that you like and would like to remember.
2 - Research the author, Gene Stratton Porter. (See “tools” on the blog). How has your interpretation of the book changed by knowing about the author? Did it change your understanding at all? Did she write any other books? Have you read any of them? Be prepared to share what you learned with the class.
Think about these questions as you read and come ready to discuss:
- How can we love those that are different from us? What could the Stanton’s have done differently with their relationship with the ‘Princess” family?
- Why is Laddie so determined to have the ‘Princess’? Why does she avoid him? What does he do to try and win her? What principles of courtship did you find?
- What makes father’s prayers so powerful? How can we connect more to God?
- What principles of good family life do we find? Do we see any family life principles we might want to avoid?
- Little Sister asserts early on in her narrative that she was not wanted. Is there evidence of this? What evidence to the contrary does she provide along the way?
- “Really you have no business to ask God to take care of you, unless you know you are doing right.” (p. 6) Do you agree or disagree? Are there exceptions?
- “Do you know that being a stranger is the hardest thing that can happen to any one in all this world?” (p. 16) Why does she feel this is so? Do you agree? Why or why not?