Sunday, December 15, 2019

January 2020 Leadership Academy


Read chapters 9-12 in Success Principles for Teens.

Think about and answer the following as you go through the chapters:

1. Ch. 9: Think of what you would like your life to be 5-10 years from now.  See it in your mind. Write a page describing the picture you have created of your life. Talk about it as if you are already in it. Describe your job, family, house, etc. Have fun with it and come prepared to share it with the class.

2. Ch. 10: What is one goal that you would like to accomplish this year? What are some roadblocks that could get in your way?  What will you do to overcome them?

3. Ch. 11: What is an area of your life where fear stops you from accomplishing something that you would like to do?  How might you work to overcome that fear?

4. Ch. 12: Think of something you want to do in your life (it could be a profession, hobby, a talent, etc.) and find out more about it in one of the following ways: 1) interview someone who is already doing it; 2) read a book about it to find out more about it, 3) watch a video of someone who is already doing it and see what you can learn about it.  Find out what it would take to accomplish it and write a rough draft plan of how you could get started on it. 



1.  Read The Road to Surfdom and also
The Road to Serfdom in comics: (you might want to copy this one into a document and print it out).

Paperback The Tuttle Twins and the Road to Surfdom Book

Write your answers to the following questions:
1. In a few sentences, summarize what you think Hayek was trying to say.
2. Do you think it's possible that Hayek could be right in his assessment? 
3. Have we seen these things happen in our world? In our cities?

2.  Read The Tuttle Twins The Golden Rule.  Answer the discussion questions on page 60.



1 - Read: “Laddie” by Gene Stratton Porter.  Mark passages that you like and would like to remember.

2 - Research the author, Gene Stratton Porter.  (See “tools” on the blog).  How has your interpretation of the book changed by knowing about the author?  Did it change your understanding at all?  Did she write any other books?  Have you read any of them? Be prepared to share what you learned with the class.


Think about these questions as you read and come ready to discuss:

  • How can we love those that are different from us? What could the Stanton’s have done differently with their relationship with the ‘Princess” family?
  • Why is Laddie so determined to have the ‘Princess’? Why does she avoid him? What does he do to try and win her? What principles of courtship did you find?
  • What makes father’s prayers so powerful? How can we connect more to God?
  • What principles of good family life do we find?  Do we see any family life principles we might want to avoid?
  • Little Sister asserts early on in her narrative that she was not wanted. Is there evidence of this? What evidence to the contrary does she provide along the way?
  • “Really you have no business to ask God to take care of you, unless you know you are doing right.” (p. 6) Do you agree or disagree? Are there exceptions?
  • “Do you know that being a stranger is the hardest thing that can happen to any one in all this world?” (p. 16) Why does she feel this is so? Do you agree? Why or why not?

Monday, November 4, 2019

Nov. 2019 Leadership


The Success Principles for Teens:
Read chapters 6-8

Ch. 6: Using the chart on p. 67, rewrite at least two of your goals to be more empowering,
as defined in section 6.1.  

Ch. 7: Look at your goals and write down any negative thoughts you have as you think
about achieving them. Rewrite each of those statements as positive affirmations that you
can say to yourself to help you stay positive as you work to accomplish your goals.  

Ch. 8: Update your vision board (or make one if you haven’t got one yet) to reflect your
current goals. Spend a few minutes each day visualizing yourself achieving the goals,
putting as much detail as you can into your visual movie. Bring a picture of your vision
board to show us.

Read the following:

  • Abraham 1:1-16
  • Moses 1:1-28

Choose one of the following and bring it to class to share:

- Artistically Prepare a quote to share by Dale Carnegie
- Prepare a FHE lesson from one of the recent General Conference talks or President
Nelsons Gathering of Israel talk regarding beginning with the end in mind. Choose
opening hymn and closing hymn as well.

- Come prepared to share a vision board experience. Share with us what you choose.
Why you choose it. What did you think to say to yourself when you saw it.
What occurred in order for your vision to become a reality? Share the experience
of receiving what you envisioned.

Accountability: We will ask to see the written work and a picture of your vision board.


Read The Tuttle Twins: Creature from Jekyll Island  

Watch this Video called What Is Inflation?

Answer the following questions:

1. Why do we use money? 
2. How does inflation harm people who depend on their savings, such as retired senior citizens?
3. Could you obtain everything you needed strictly by bartering with others? Could you do it for
a single week? 
4. Why does the government mandate that everybody use its fiat currency? 
5. Would fiat currency be used if it was subject to competition by other currencies that people
voluntarily chose to instead use in their exchanges? 
6. What would the world be like if things cost the same today that they did for your grandparents? 
7. How can each of us fight the creature to protect our hard-earned savings?

Read the Tuttle Twins: Food Truck Fiasco

The Tuttle Twins and the Food Truck Fiasco

Do the following activity:

Mayor for a Day

Imagine that you were elected Mayor of the city or town in which you live. Let’s even
pretend that the city council was willing to vote for whatever law you proposed! Think of
five laws that you would pass, and explain to a sibling or parent why you think they’re a
good idea.
Maybe they have to do with garbage collection, or fireworks, or swimming pools, or
lemonade stands, or speed limits. Perhaps you want to change the law about owning
chickens or the minimum wage.
But be careful! You should have a very good reason why you think your idea should be
a law. Will it hurt anybody? Is it a fair law? Write down your answers to these questions.

Come prepared to discuss the following questions:

1. Why does competition need to be fair?
2. What are other historical or modern examples of
protectionist laws that favor one industry or business
over another?
3. Why are people tempted to get the government
to pass laws that help their business?
4. What can we do to help make sure that the
law treats all business fairly?
5. What types of stories do reporters like to highlight?
6. Should the police officers have enforced the
unfair law that required the food trucks to leave?
7. Is it okay to violate an unfair law?
8. What types of businesses can teenagers
or your adults start with only a small
amount of capital?



1 - Read: “Stargirl” by Jerry Spinelli.  Mark passages that you like and would like to remember.

2 - Research the author, Jerry Spinelli.  (See “tools” on the blog).  How has your interpretation of the book changed by knowing about the author?  Did it change your understanding at all?  Be prepared to share what you learned with the class.


  • In “Stargirl” we have many characters who begin with the end in mind and live true to themselves and many characters who do not.  Pick a character that is living begin with the end in mind and one who is not and compare and contrast them.  Think about the following questions:  Is this person happy?  Would they be more or less happy if they we/weren't being/not being true to themselves?  How would their life have been different if they did/didn't live that way? Etc.  Journal about the differences in personality and what you have learned from analyzing these characters.  
  • Who do you think is the happiest person in this novel?  Why?  Journal for 20 minutes on what makes that person happy and how you can find more happiness in your own life by emulating some of that person's characteristics.  

We will be reading novels for Master class for the rest of the year.  They are all lengthy (but worth it!) and you won't want to wait until the last minute to read them.  Here is a list of what we'll be reading so you can use your Christmas break to get ahead.  Mark your book well and you will remember what you read, even if it's months in advance.
  • January 2020 - "Laddie" by Gene Stratton Porter (401 pages)
  • February 2020 - "Gifted Hands" by Ben Carson (224 pages)
  • March 2020 - "Christy" by Catherine Marshall (512 pages)
  • April 2020 - "The Lonesome Gods" by Louis L'Amour (576 pages)

Friday, October 4, 2019

OCTOBER 10, 2019



Success Principles--Read Ch. 1-5, Do exercises 3.7, 3.8, 4.5, 4.6

The Success Principles for Teens: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be by [Canfield, Jack, Healy, Kent]


Tuttle Twins--Read The Law and The Miraculous Pencil (2 books)

The Tuttle Twins Learn About the Law The Tuttle Twins and the Miraculous Pencil

 Go here: (The actual version of The Law)
Choose 3 headings and summarize those sections in your own words

Choose anything in your world (a man-made object) and draw its family tree such
as those shown on pages 17-19 of The Miraculous Pencil. You can use words instead
of pictures, or if you'd like to have fun with it, find some pictures.  


Take a sheet of paper and divide it into 4 squares. Write the words Spiritual, Social, Physical and Intellectual, one in each box, like on the center page of the new Children and Youth books handed out last Sunday. While listening to Conference this weekend, listen for some ideas or promptings that you hear that might help you in setting your goals in each of those areas and write them in the boxes, or, so you don't miss what else they are saying, you could write down the name of the speaker and go back later and fill in the quotes. We will discuss your thoughts in class.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

April 2019 Leadership


Your assignment for Apprentice this week is to go back through all of your Leadership Class notes and review the things we have done this year. Write down at least 5 gold nuggets that you got from the class. (Gold nuggets: aha moments, lessons learned, etc.) Bring the list to class. [If this feels similar to an assignment for last month, it is. Sister Barber couldn't be there and she wants to hear them. :) ] Come  prepared to participate and have fun!
Image result for have fun gif Image result for having fun gif


Read p. 259 to the end of the book. It's only about 35 pages worth of reading. Then, using your book mark if you still have it, or the table of contents that lists the 28 principles, read them over and see if you can summarize what each one means. If you can't remember, go to that chapter and review the principle so that you could tell someone about it in a couple of sentences. 

The 5000 Year Leap: A Miracle that Changed the World

Image result for cleon skousen



Speak Like Churchill, Stand Like Lincoln: 21 Powerful Secrets of History's Greatest Speakers by [Humes, James C.]

Become familiar with the 21 speaking techniques taught in the book. We will practice using them in class. 

Image result for lincoln quotes

Thursday, March 7, 2019

March 2019 Leadership

***Important!  The book for April's Leadership class is Speak Like Churchill, Stand Like Lincoln. You  might want to order it soon to make sure you have it on time. 


Read 3 General Conference talks that you feel deal with leadership principles we have discussed this year and write down the highlights in your Commonplace book.  Come prepared to share.  This assignment is in preparation for the class activity.

Image result for lds general conference


The 5000 Year Leap: A Miracle that Changed the World

Read pp. 218-257.  There are 6 principles (chapters) in these pages. On a piece of paper, write down each of the principles and a short summary (can be 3-5 sentences, if you can say that succinctly) of what they are, showing that you understand them.  You do not need to prepare a presentation this week.  We'll be using your summaries in class.


Write a one page summary telling us what skills you have learned in Leadership that you are putting into practice.  If you aren't putting any of them into practice, write about some of the skills we have talked about and what you think you could do to start implementing some of them.

Image result for make your bed

Friday, February 15, 2019

February 2019 Leadership

***Important Note: Your homework will be your admittance ticket to each class. We would love to have everyone attend all the classes, so please come prepared and ready to contribute to the discussions.***  ♥♥♥


1.  Watch this video and choose 5 of the 10 Lessons the Admiral talks about and write down how you could see yourself benefiting from applying them in your life.

Image result for admiral william mcraven


2.  Read the article 100: Don't Just Endure, Make a List and Thrive.  We will discuss it in class.

3.  Watch How to Make a Vision Board

4.  We will be making vision boards in class.  We'll supply the poster board.  Please take some time to think about what you would like your future to look like and bring some pictures that you could use to illustrate that on your board.  (Magazines, printed off the internet, or drawn by you.)  Bring markers to be able to decorate it with.


Read pages 163-215 in The 5000 Year Leap, and  prepare a short 3-5 minute presentation teaching us something that you learned and/or found interesting from the reading.

 Image result for 5000 year leap pdf


Please read "The Fourth Missionary" by Lawrence Corbridge. Take some time to think about your life right now and the way that you respond to the different responsibilities you have (family member, student, employee, etc.).  Write a paragraph explaining what you can do now to become a fourth missionary type of person.