***Important Note: Your homework will be your admittance ticket to each class. We would love to have everyone attend all the classes, so please come prepared and ready to contribute to the discussions.*** ♥♥♥
1. Watch this video and choose 5 of the 10 Lessons the Admiral talks about and write down how you could see yourself benefiting from applying them in your life.

Transcript: https://news.utexas.edu/2014/05/16/mcraven-urges-graduates-to-find-courage-to-change-the-world/
2. Read the article 100: Don't Just Endure, Make a List and Thrive. We will discuss it in class.
3. Watch How to Make a Vision Board
4. We will be making vision boards in class. We'll supply the poster board. Please take some time to think about what you would like your future to look like and bring some pictures that you could use to illustrate that on your board. (Magazines, printed off the internet, or drawn by you.) Bring markers to be able to decorate it with.
Read pages 163-215 in The 5000 Year Leap, and prepare a short 3-5 minute presentation teaching us something that you learned and/or found interesting from the reading.

Please read "The Fourth Missionary" by Lawrence Corbridge. Take some time to think about your life right now and the way that you respond to the different responsibilities you have (family member, student, employee, etc.). Write a paragraph explaining what you can do now to become a fourth missionary type of person.
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