Friday, December 4, 2020

Month #3 2020-2021 Leadership Academy Apprentice

 Month 3: Apprentice

Security/Safe Boundaries

"Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these by brethren, yea have done it unto me."

- Matthew 25:40


Do all of the following:

  1. Watch the movie War Room

  2. Watch/Read the following talks:

    1. The Power of a Strong Testimony by Elder Scott

      1. Journal a paragraph about what is important to you about your testimony.

    2. Power to Overcome the Adversary by Elder Johnson

      1. Journal about Elder Johnson‘s message and what specifically inspired you. 

    3. Satan - The Great Deceiver by Elder Romney

      1. I found it interesting, as I was reading this article, how many subtle ways the adversary has put stumbling blocks on my path. Did you feel the same?  If so, I would encourage you to write about this.  

      2. In your commonplace book, title it:   “Tactics the adversary uses to deceive me” Then and more important… write your strategy to combat his tactics. If you don’t know, start by asking the Lord in humble prayer, believing that you will receive an answer. Ask the Lord what you need to do to be ready to receive His answer for you. Ask him to guide you as to who can help you better understand. That might be your parents or another family member or a seminary teacher or a trusted leader or an inspired friend or a conference talk or Come Follow Me. Be on the watch for it. This is what it means to be a sentinel.  When you receive your answer, do everything in your power to live it.

    4. How to Set Boundaries for Well-Being 

    5. How can we keep from forgetting spiritual experiences? 


Do the following:

  1. Choose one of the following President Nelson‘s talks to study and present about.  Sign up on the doc so we don't duplicate.

    1. Call To The Holy Apostleship

    2. Protect The Spiritual Power Line

    3. Self-mastery

    4. Joy Cometh In The Morning

    5. With God, Nothing Shall Be Impossible

    6. Choices

    7. Where Is Wisdom?

    8. Combating Spiritual Drift: Our Global Pandemic

    9. Children Of The Covenant

    10. Endure And Be Lifted Up

    11. How Firm Our Foundation

    12. The Gathering Of Scattered Israel

    13. Now Is The Time To Prepare

    14. Ask, Seek, Knock

    15. Face The Future With Faith

    16. The Sabbath Is A Delight

    17. Joy And Spiritual Survival

    18. Drawing The Power Of Jesus Christ Into Our Lives

    19. Let Us All Press On

    20. We Can Do Better And Be Better

    21. Let God Prevail

  2. Pick your favorite quote from this talk and do an artistic interpretation of this quote.

    1. Guidance for choosing this quote:

      1. Does this inspire me?

      2. What does this quote mean to me?

      3. What is the Holy Ghost telling me through this quote?

      4. What does the Holy Ghost inspire me to do?

  3. Take a picture of it hanging on your wall to share with us

  4. Remember, The Spirit of the Lord is always seeking to teach us, to guide us, to inspire us to think higher thoughts, live better ways so that we can ascend.  


  • Read/Listen to: “Great Experiences”

  • Choose one of the following to do:

    • Remember a great experience you have had this past year where you have seen or felt the hand of the Lord in your life or seen or felt a little miracle. Journal about it. 

    • Choose at least 1 of your favorite faith building scriptures…

      • Ask yourself, “what makes it my favorite scripture?” 

      • “How do I feel God’s love for me through this scripture?”

      • Share your favorite faith building scripture with a friend and share. Ask them about their favorite scripture and what makes it their favorite scripture. Journal about your experience.

    • As you gather with friends and family this Christmas Season, bring a little journal with you and ask those who are gathered with what is their favorite scripture about Jesus or about faith or about God’s love.
      • Write down the name of the person
      • Write down the name of the scripture
      • Right one thought about it. One sentence is ok. 
      • This is creating a journal of “great experiences” that you will refer to lean on during times of doubt and struggles. 

Merry🎄Christmas. From my heart to yours.  

- Roxanna Maurer🌺 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Month #3 2020-2021 Leadership Academy Journeyman

JOURNEYMAN: Patterns of Liberty

The Founding Fathers proclaimed Liberty to be an "unalienable right" bestowed by our Creator.  We are now at a point in time when we have to make a choice between Liberty and captivity and we must know that principles and patterns of Liberty in order to make the right choice.


Do all of the following:
  1. Read ONE of the following sections in the Patterns of Liberty book found here and record how this person or group of people lived the pattern of liberty (1. Love God, obey & serve Him; 2. Love others and serve them; 3. Protect individual liberty) in your CPB and come to class prepared to share your insights: 
    1. Hengist & Horsa p. 143-144
    2. Christoper Columbus p. 34-40
    3. Plymouth Colony p. 43-45
    4. George Washington p. 48-57
  2. Read Article III & IV in your pocket Constitution.  Write down any thoughts and/or questions you have about these sections.  
  • Take good notes on what you learned and studied in you commonplace books and come prepared to participate in games and discussion

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Month #2 2020-2021 Leadership Academy Journeyman

JOURNEYMAN: Patterns of Liberty

The Founding Fathers proclaimed Liberty to be an "unalienable right" bestowed by our Creator.  We are now at a point in time when we have to make a choice between Liberty and captivity and we must know that principles and patterns of Liberty in order to make the right choice.


Do all of the following:
  1. Read the following sections in the Patterns of Liberty book found here and for each of the stories record how this person or group of people lived the pattern of liberty (1. Love God, obey & serve Him; 2. Love others and serve them; 3. Protect individual liberty) in your CPB and come to class prepared to share your insites: 
    1. Joshua p. 133-135
    2. Deborah p. 137-138
    3. Gideon p. 140-141
    4. Jared p. 146-147
    5. Title of Liberty p. 149-150
    6. Strippling Warriors p. 152-153
  2. Read Article I & II in your pocket Constitution.  Write down any thoughts and/or questions you have about these sections.  
  • Take good notes on what you learned and studied in you commonplace books and come prepared to participate in games and discussion

Month #2 2020-2021 Leadership Academy Apprentice: PATIENCE

Month 2 Apprentice


"...We glory in tribulations...knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope."
- Romans 5:3-4


Do all of the following -

1 - Print out and read this article by Stephen Palmer, "46 Clues You're Enslaving Yourself Voluntarily".  Mark principles and quotes you like.

2 - Memorize the scripture (Romans 5:3-4) and quote for the month. ("Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."  - Helen Keller)

3 - Read chapters 1-9 in the book, "Turn the Page" by Chris Brady (this whole book is fantastic, so please read the whole thing if you can.  But chapters 1-9 are required for class).  Mark your favorite quotes and come prepared to discuss them in class.

4 - Watch this video on "How to Prepare to Read a Book"

5 - Choose a chapter in the book "The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader" by John C. Maxwell that you think applies to patience.  Read it.  Why did you choose that chapter?  Did it apply to patience like you thought it would?  Why or why not?  Journal about this in your commonplace book and be prepared to discuss it in class.

6 - Do a word study on Patience.  Find the instructions for word studies in the Tool Box.  

7 - Watch this video on the Electoral College.


Do all of the following -

- Make a list of books that you have read that have changed you in some way.  Bring your list to class and be prepared to share it.

- Make a list of the last 20 books you've read.  Do you even remember?  Write down as many as you can.

- What is your all time favorite book?  Make a poster advertising it so that we'll all want to read it.  Bring it to class to share.


Focus on the sections of the article, "46 Clues..."- spiritual, mental, emotional, physical - and answer the questions honestly.   How did you score?  Choose a goal in each of the four categories and start working on that goal this week.  (You are probably already doing this as part of your new Youth Program in the Church.  If you are, reread your goals and renew your commitment to them.  If you aren't, this is a good time to start.)

How do these categories compare to what we know of the Savior's upbringing?  Read Luke 2:52.

Keep the categories from the scripture in mind as you set goals throughout this year and throughout your life.  

When we focus too much on one category and neglect the others, we aren't living up to our full potential.  In order to serve our Heavenly Father the best, we must maintain a balance in our lives.  But all of these things take patience and we're building ourselves "line upon line" throughout our lives.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Month #1 2020-2021 Leadership Academy Apprentice: HONOR


"Therefore, what manner of men ought ye to be?  Verily I say unto you, even as I am." 
- 3 Nephi 27:27


  1. Read Ch. 1 "Character" in "The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader" by John C. Maxwell.  Mark quotes you like in your book for the discussion.
  2. Read and memorize 3 Nephi 27:27.  Who is talking in this  scripture?
  3. Print and read this article, "Who Honors God, God Honors" by Thomas S. Monson.  Mark quotes you like and put the article in your common place book and bring it to class.
  4. Memorize this month's quote:"Reputation is what men and women think of us. Character is what God and the angels know of us." -Thomas Paine
  5. Do a word study on Honor.  Follow the instructions for word studies found in the tool box.
  6. Read Article IV of the Constitution and find out what states are in charge of under the Constitution.  Come to class prepared to talk about this.


Choose 1 of the following:
  • Research one of the following elected officials and come to class prepared to tell us: what they do, who they serve, and who currently holds this position in your city/district (are they up for reelection this year?), how often is this position held between elections, and how long has this person been in this position.  Put your choice on the doc here.
    • Mayor
    • City Council Member
    • County Commissioner
    • County Assessor
    • County Attorney General
    • County Clerk/Auditor
    • Justice Court Judge
    • County Recorder
    • County Sheriff
    • County Surveyor
    • County Treasurer
    • Governor 
    • State Representative
    • State Senator
    • Nebo School Board Member
  • Research the difference between primary and general elections.  Come to class prepared to teach us about it.  Who gets to vote in each type of election?  
  • Create and teach your family a FHE on what you've learned about honor. Find songs, scriptures and stories, you can't have an FHE without them! Come to class prepared to teach your FHE lesson to us.
In the article by Pres. Monson that we read, he said,

"The need for a personal code of honor is demanded not only on a daily basis, but frequently many times in a given day."

What kind of "code of honor" do you think he's talking about?  What would be on your personal "code of honor"?  Ponder on this for a few minutes.

Write your own personal "Code of Honor" that you want to live your life by.  List at least 10 points and don't forget to think about points of honor toward yourself and other people.

Choose one of the points on your "Code of Honor" and live it fully this week.

Month #1 2020-2021 Leadership Academy Journeyman

JOURNEYMAN: Patterns of Liberty

The Founding Fathers proclaimed Liberty to be an "unalienable right" bestowed by our Creator.  We are now at a point in time when we have to make a choice between Liberty and captivity and we must know that principles and patterns of Liberty in order to make the right choice.


Do all of the following:
  1. Do a word study on LIBERTY (instructions are found in the Vanguard tool box)
  2. Do a word study on FREEDOM (instructions are found in the Vanguard tool box)
  3. Read chapter 3: Joan of Arc in the book "10 Great Souls" by Michael Wilcox OR Watch this biography of Joan of Arc (90 min)
  4. Watch this video and mark your pocket Constitution as instructed.  Intro Video (21 min)
  • Take good notes on what you learned and studied in you commonplace books and come prepared to participate in games and discussion.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Jewish Diaspora

 A Brief History of the Jews

What country do you live in? How long have you lived here?  Where would you live if you didn’t live here?  Today we will be learning about a people who did not have a country. There was no place on the map for them to call home but they still identified as a nation. They lived in different places throughout the earth but constantly were bound together by their beliefs and traditions. These people were the Jews.

The Jews have been called many different names over the years.  We called them the Hebrews then the Israelites and then finally the Jews.  A long time ago, the Jewish people wandered in the wilderness for forty years to a land called Canaan.  Canaan is where modern day Israel is found.  This area is still considered today to be the ancestral home of the Jews. 

During the years in Canaan there were many kings. They built a beautiful temple to worship in. They had many traditions that were unique to them. They also lived in a time and in a place where kings and kingdoms would often try to conquer each other. Eventually, the kingdom was split into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah.  Jerusalem was the center of Judah. Both kingdoms faced many dangerous enemies.  

After several hundred years, the ruthless kings of Assyria invaded and overwhelmed the northern kingdom and carried away many of the people captive into Assyria. The southern kingdom of Judah survived for another 150 years until the kingdom of Babylon conquered it.  The Babylonians destroyed the temple and took the people captive into Babylon.  

After that, the Jews had many different rulers. The Persian Empire, under the direction of King Cyrus, conquered and destroyed the Babylonians.  Even though Cyrus wasn't a Jew, he was respectful of their religion and beliefs so he allowed the Jewish people to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple.  He allowed them to practice their religion and he protected them from enemies.  With this new found freedom, the Jews began to migrate all over the Middle East but continued to maintain Jerusalem as their center of worship.  

After about 200 years under Persian rule, a Greek named Alexander the Great came through overthrowing empires and expanding his own empire over much of the Middle East.  After the death of Alexander, the Jews were ruled by other Greek-speaking kings for another 200 years. During this time, Jewish people still fought to keep their religion and their traditions. One example of this is when one of these kings didn't like the Jews and wanted their money from the temple.  A man named Judas Maccabeus and his brother fought off the king and won!  They purified the temple and are still celebrated every year in a festival called Hanukkah.   

 Judas Maccabeus died in the battle but his family ruled Israel for several generations until the Roman Empire defeated them. They burned the temple and took the Jews captive.  

The Jews were under Roman rule for hundreds of years. They didn’t like being controlled by the Romans, and they often fought for their freedom. They never won.  

After one of these big rebellions they finally thought that they had won and had driven the Romans out of their lands and their city, Jerusalem.  But the Romans returned with a huge army and took control back from the Jews and continued their rule.  The son of the emperor, named Titus, succeeded in winning back the lands from the Jews.  He later became emperor and after he died, his brother, Domitian wanted to honor him with a monument made of stone. He built an arch and carved pictures of the overthrow of the Jewish people onto it. It still stands today and has become a symbol of all the difficulties and moving around that the Jewish people have gone through.

This wasn't the first time the Jews had rebelled against Roman rule and the Romans were tired of it. They decided that if they scattered the Jews all over their empire, the wouldn't be able to revolt any more.  Worship in the temple was very important to the Jewish people, but their temple has been burned and they were scattered far away from Jerusalem.  But they stayed strong. They continued reading the Torah and started worshipping in small local temples called synagogues.  

For hundreds of years the Jews lived all over the world, worshipping in their synagogues and practicing their religion and their traditions. They ended up in England, Spain, France, Russia, Italy, Egypt and more countries.  This scattering of the Jews is called the Diaspora. They learned the languages and the customs of the people who lived around them. But even though they were English, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian and Egyptian, and all other nationalities, they were still Jews.     

In World War II the Jews were singled out and under attack once again.  Hitler hated Jewish people and blamed them for Germany losing World War I. He considered Jewish people to be less than human. Hitler also believed in the superiority of the Aryan race. He wanted to use Darwinism and breeding to create a race of perfect people. Hitler wrote in his book Mein Kampf that when he became ruler he would rid Germany of all the Jews. Not many people believed he would really do this, but as soon as he became Chancellor he started his work against the Jews. He made laws that said Jews had no rights. Then he organized attacks on Jewish businesses and homes. 

On November 9, 1938 many Jewish homes and businesses were burnt down or vandalized. This night was called the Kristallnacht or "Night of Broken Glass". During World War II when the Nazis would take over a city in Europe they would force all of the Jewish people into one area of town. This area was called a ghetto and was fenced in with barbed wire and guarded. There was little food, water, or medicine available. It was also very crowded with multiple families sometimes sharing a single room to live in.  All Jewish people were eventually to be brought to concentration camps. They were told they were relocating to a new and better place, but this was not the case. Concentration camps were like prison camps. People were forced to do hard labor. The weak were quickly killed or died of starvation. Some camps even had gas chambers. People would be led into the chambers in large groups only to be killed with poison gas. The concentration camps were horrible places. Many Jewish people hid from the Nazis during World War II. They would hide with non-Jewish families. Sometimes they would pretend to be a part of the family and sometimes they would hide in hidden rooms or in a basement or attic. Some were able to eventually escape across the border into a free country, but many hid for years sometimes in the same room.

After World War II most nations agreed a Jewish homeland should be set up. On November 29, 1947, the newly founded United Nations proposed that Palestine be divided between Arab Muslims and Jews. The state of Israel was proclaimed on May 14, 1948 finally giving the Jews a home.  Many Muslims did not want to give up land that they considered theirs that was given to the Jews. Fighting broke out between the two sides, resulting in the Arab-Israeli War of 1948–49. During the conflict Israel gained more land than what the United Nations had provided, driving 800,000 Arabs from their homes. The war set the stage for many decades of fighting for control over the Palestine region. The conflict continued into the 21st century.

During all of the years of turmoil, the Jewish people kept their beliefs. They believed that they should treat people kindly. They developed many traditions to help them to keep their beliefs strong. Even though they lived all over the world, the Jews stayed true to their religion and their traditions even though it was hard.  We can learn a lot from the Jews about loyalty and tradition and staying true to what we believe in. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Saturday, April 18, 2020

April 2020 Leadership Academy

APRIL 2020

Paperback The Success Principles for Teens : How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be Book
Well, it's our last Leadership class for the year.  Let's:

  • finish up the Success Principles book (chapters 18, 19, 20 & the conclusion).  
  • Then I'd like you to skim back through the book and your notes from both last year and this year's leadership classes.  
  • Please choose 5 principles out of all we have talked about that you are willing to put into practice in your life in the coming months and years.  
  • Make some kind of visual reminder that you can put in your room so you'll see it and remember the things you are thinking about.  You don't necessarily have to do them all at once, but they can be leadership goals to strive for in your life.  
  • Bring it to the discussion to show us what you have come up with.  

As we've been studying King Benjamin in Come, Follow Me this week can you see the similarities between his address and our most recent General Conference?  Did you notice that (as a world, church, society) we were gathered as families facing the prophet more than maybe ever before?  
  • Did you feel the elements of Synergy?  Did you recognize it?  Can you think of one word that summarizes the way you felt the Synergy of the Spirit?  What does that word mean to you?  Bring your thoughts to class for the discussion.
  • Read Mosiah 4: 3-4 and make a list of what the people did after the "spirit of the Lord came upon them".  Did you experience anything similar while watching Conference?
  • In verse 4 King Benjamin says, "...I would again call your attention, that ye may hear and understand the remainder of my words."    Do you think that sometimes God feel this way towards us, He needs us to pay attention so that He can talk to us?
  • Review the talks from Conference, either from your notes or a quick review found here onlineWhat personal revelation did you receive in Conference?  What is the message you felt Christ gave you?  This is meant to be your theme for the next 6 months.  
    • What if you don't think you got any personal revelation at Conference?  Review your favorite talks with a prayerful heart this week and specifically ask God what His message is for you.  Then listen.  (Psalm 46:10)
  • Read Mosiah 1:4.  How did Father Lehi "remember these things"?  
  • Once you know what your message is for the next 6 months, write it down and hang it in a place you'll see it every day.  Just like Lehi, if it's not written down, we just don't remember.  
  • If "synergy" means the whole is greater than the individual parts, how is that true for you when you are synergized with the Lord?  Journal on this for 10 minutes.  How can you be more in line with God, more synergistic?  If don't remember what synergy looks like, review that section in "7 Habits for Teens" 


Read: The Tuttle Twins and the Education Vacation

Write a paragraph discussing the difference between seeing children as clay and as seeds.  Why do you think it makes a difference in how educators see their students?  

Think about your own experiences with education (public school if you've been there, homeschooling, co-ops, etc.).  Come prepared to discuss your views about education and what you can do to enhance your own, as well as the education of your future children.  

Saturday, March 14, 2020

March 2020 Leadership Academy

March 2020 Leadership

Paperback The Success Principles for Teens : How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be Book

1.  Read Chapters 16-18 in Success Principles for Teens.

Ch. 16
Make a list of the 5 people you spend the most time with.  Answer the following questions:
  • 1. When you are with these people, do you generally feel a positive or a negative energy?  
  • 2. What do you think they would say about the energy that you bring to that relationship?
  • 3. Do your friends encourage you and help you become a better person?
  • 4. Do you do that for them?
  • 5. Make a goal for one day to only say positive things and not to complain.  Keep track of how well you do and write about your experience. 

Ch. 17

This week, keep a running list of the things you do right.  You can get some ideas from the stories in this chapter.  

Chapter 18 

1. List some challenges that could arise in your life because of the coronavirus.
2. What are some ways that you can overcome them?

2.  Are you excited for General Conference?! I know I am!!!

Here’s a talk I found in the 1990s from Elder Nelson. Does he look younger now or then??

  • I feel as if the heavens opened up and angels sang hallelujah!  This is the talk! For us! Today! Look for ways the Spirit is inspiring you to prepare for the upcoming General Conference!
  •  Stephen R Covey speaks of Seek First to Understand, Elder Nelson in 1991 referred to it as Listen to Learn.  
  • In your CPB, write what most inspired you in Listen to Learn. 
  • Write down 2 ways you will follow, then Elder Nelson’s council as you prepare to Listen to Learn the Lord’s will for you in this upcoming General Conference. 

3. Watch the video of the allegory of the Olive tree in this weeks Come Follow Me, how does Listen to Learn benefit or apply to missionary work?

  • Write answer in common place book. 

4. Ponder...

  • According to Elder Anderson, does listen to learn mean the same as agreeing?
  • After reading this General Conference talk, write down a reply you might give to someone who asks you to explain why you believe in Christ and/or Joseph Smith. (1-2 sentences each). 

The Tuttle Twins and the Fate of the Future
Read The Tuttle Twins Fate of the Future

Write a paragraph that summarizes the ideas in the book. See the glossary on the last page to give you some ideas of things to talk about. Then answer the following question:  Can a peaceful society ever exist and last that doesn't use coercion?  

Thursday, February 6, 2020

February 2020 Leadership Academy



Do all the following:

Read these articles:
Read these talks by Pres. Benson:
Read chapters 13-15 in Success Principles for Teens.  Write down 3 points that stood out to you from each chapter.

Write out your answers to the questions at the end of Ch. 13 on pp. 150-151.


Answer these questions in your commonplace book:
  • How is the Lord thinking win-win?  Site 3 examples
  • How does the Spirit of the Lord support those who follow Him in the midst of trials?  Write about 1 example
  • How did the Lord begin preparing His people through President Benson for our day ?
  • How has the reading of the book of Mormon influenced your parents?
  • What are you gaining from the book of Mormon study this year?  Site three examples of win-win 

This quote sums up their relationship:

"In her effort to help him do so, [Flora] joined him in putting God first."

How is this thinking win/win in their relationship with each other and with God?  Journal for 15
minutes about how you can be win/win in all of your relationships.  What are you already doing well?  What can you do better?  Choose 1 thing and work on it this week.


Read the Tuttle Twins and the Search for Atlas

The Tuttle Twins and the Search for Atlas: Connor Boyack

Write down three examples of Socialism that you see happening in the United States. Feel free to Google it and/or ask your parents for ideas.

Read The Tuttle Twins and Their Spectacular Show Business

Also, watch minutes 1:00-13:00 in this video:

Kids Pitch Brilliant Products to the 'Shark Tank' Tycoons!

Think of a problem that could be solved with a new invention, or something that already exists that could be improved.  Design your idea on paper and prepare a one-minute pitch for our Shark Pond judges.  Bring a prototype, or at least a drawing to show them.