Well, it's our last Leadership class for the year. Let's:
- finish up the Success Principles book (chapters 18, 19, 20 & the conclusion).
- Then I'd like you to skim back through the book and your notes from both last year and this year's leadership classes.
- Please choose 5 principles out of all we have talked about that you are willing to put into practice in your life in the coming months and years.
- Make some kind of visual reminder that you can put in your room so you'll see it and remember the things you are thinking about. You don't necessarily have to do them all at once, but they can be leadership goals to strive for in your life.
- Bring it to the discussion to show us what you have come up with.
As we've been studying King Benjamin in Come, Follow Me this week can you see the similarities between his address and our most recent General Conference? Did you notice that (as a world, church, society) we were gathered as families facing the prophet more than maybe ever before?
- Did you feel the elements of Synergy? Did you recognize it? Can you think of one word that summarizes the way you felt the Synergy of the Spirit? What does that word mean to you? Bring your thoughts to class for the discussion.
- Read Mosiah 4: 3-4 and make a list of what the people did after the "spirit of the Lord came upon them". Did you experience anything similar while watching Conference?
- In verse 4 King Benjamin says, "...I would again call your attention, that ye may hear and understand the remainder of my words." Do you think that sometimes God feel this way towards us, He needs us to pay attention so that He can talk to us?
- Review the talks from Conference, either from your notes or a quick review found here online. What personal revelation did you receive in Conference? What is the message you felt Christ gave you? This is meant to be your theme for the next 6 months.
- What if you don't think you got any personal revelation at Conference? Review your favorite talks with a prayerful heart this week and specifically ask God what His message is for you. Then listen. (Psalm 46:10)
- Read Mosiah 1:4. How did Father Lehi "remember these things"?
- Once you know what your message is for the next 6 months, write it down and hang it in a place you'll see it every day. Just like Lehi, if it's not written down, we just don't remember.
- If "synergy" means the whole is greater than the individual parts, how is that true for you when you are synergized with the Lord? Journal on this for 10 minutes. How can you be more in line with God, more synergistic? If don't remember what synergy looks like, review that section in "7 Habits for Teens".


Read: The Tuttle Twins and the Education Vacation
Write a paragraph discussing the difference between seeing children as clay and as seeds. Why do you think it makes a difference in how educators see their students?
Think about your own experiences with education (public school if you've been there, homeschooling, co-ops, etc.). Come prepared to discuss your views about education and what you can do to enhance your own, as well as the education of your future children.
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