September Journeyman Class
"Never before have I fully appreciated the intellectual muscle and the quantum of solid character required to produce the first modern REPUBLIC. I have gained a warm affection for the Founders. I have learned to see them as men imbued with all of our common weaknesses called "human nature," and yet capable of becoming victorious at a task which would have decimated weaker men."
"Never before have I fully appreciated the intellectual muscle and the quantum of solid character required to produce the first modern REPUBLIC. I have gained a warm affection for the Founders. I have learned to see them as men imbued with all of our common weaknesses called "human nature," and yet capable of becoming victorious at a task which would have decimated weaker men."
--- W. Cleon Skousen
"The Five Thousand Year Leap" (Preface, iii)
Do all of the following:
1 - Read "The 5,000 Year Leap" Forward, Introduction by Glenn Beck, and Part 1 through the section entitled "The Founders Struggle to Establish People's Law in the Balanced Center" ending on page 19.
2 - Read "The 5,000 Year Leap" Principle 1: Natural Law
3 - From the "Dictionary of Cultural Literacy" write the following on your cards:
- Cicero
- John Locke
- Charles Montesquieu
- natural law
- John Adams
- John Hancock
Choose one of the following signers of the Declaration of Independence to do a 3-5 minute oral report on:
- Josiah Bartlett
- William Whipple
- Matthew Thornton
- John Hancock
- John Adams - SETH
- Samuel Adams - SIS. CLOWARD
- Robert Treat Paine
- George Rose - EMMA
(E-mail Mack your choice so we don't double up -
In 1976 Pres. Ezra Taft Benson said the following:
If you don't already have a testimony that this country and all who brought it forth were inspired of God, ask Heavenly Father to bear witness of it to you.
Say a prayer of thanks to Heavenly Father this week for our country, our liberties, the Founding Fathers and our sacred founding documents and ask Him what he would have you do to defend them.
Do all of the following:

2 - Read "The 5,000 Year Leap" Principle 1: Natural Law
3 - From the "Dictionary of Cultural Literacy" write the following on your cards:
- Cicero
- John Locke
- Charles Montesquieu
- natural law
- John Adams
- John Hancock
Choose one of the following signers of the Declaration of Independence to do a 3-5 minute oral report on:

- Josiah Bartlett
- William Whipple
- Matthew Thornton
- John Hancock
- John Adams - SETH
- Samuel Adams - SIS. CLOWARD
- Robert Treat Paine
- George Rose - EMMA
(E-mail Mack your choice so we don't double up -
In 1976 Pres. Ezra Taft Benson said the following:
"Fifty-six men signed the document on August 2, 1776, or, in the case of some, shortly thereafter. They pledged their lives!—and at least nine of them died as a result of the war. If the Revolution had failed, if their fight had come to naught, they would have been hanged as traitors. They pledged their fortunes!—and at least fifteen fulfilled that pledge to support the war effort. They pledged their sacred honor!—best expressed by the noble statement of John Adams. He said: “All that I have, and all that I am, and all that I hope, in this life, I am now ready here to stake upon it; and I leave off as I begun, that live or die, survive or perish, I am for the Declaration. It is my living sentiment, and by the blessing of God it shall be my dying sentiment, Independence, now, and INDEPENDENCE FOR EVER.” (Works of Daniel Webster, Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1877, 17th ed., 1:135.)
If you don't already have a testimony that this country and all who brought it forth were inspired of God, ask Heavenly Father to bear witness of it to you.
Say a prayer of thanks to Heavenly Father this week for our country, our liberties, the Founding Fathers and our sacred founding documents and ask Him what he would have you do to defend them.
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