October Apprentice
We are the clay: We each have special purpose and unique worth
"Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God."
- D&C 18:10

Do all of the following -
1 - Read this article by Stephen Palmer, "46 Clues You're Enslaving Yourself Voluntarily"
2 - Write the scripture and memorization quote for the month on your cards and memorize them.
3 - Read chapters 1-9 in the book, "Turn the Page" by Chris Brady (this whole book is fantastic, so please read the whole thing if you can. But chapters 1-9 are required for class)
4 - Watch this video on "How to Prepare to Read a Book"
5 - Watch this depiction of the story of Moses and the Israelite's in Egypt. Watch videos 15 & 16 found here.
6 - Read Chapter 2 in the book "In the Hands of the Potter" by Camille Fronk
7- Continue reading "The Golden Goblet". It's due next week.

Do all of the following -
- Make a list of books that you have read that have changed you in some way. Bring your list to class and be prepared to share it.
- Make a list of the last 20 books you've read. Do you even remember? Write down as many as you can.

How do these categories compare to what we know of the Savior's upbringing? Read Luke 2:52.
Keep the categories from the scripture in mind as you set goals throughout this year and throughout your life. When we focus too much on one category and neglect the others, we aren't living up to our full potential. In order to serve our Heavenly Father the best, we must maintain a balance in our lives.
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