
2 - Study map #5 (The Assyrian Empire) in your Bible maps. You can find the online copy here, print it and glue it in your commonplace book
3 - Write the following on note cards from the Dictionary of Cultural Literacy:
- Isaiah
- Jerusalem
- Israel
- Israelites
- Babylon
- Syria
5 - Read the following scriptures and write the reference and a one sentence summary and who is speaking for each one on your Understanding Isaiah page in your commonplace book:
- 1 Nephi 19:23-24
- 2 Nephi 6:5
- 2 Nephi 11:8
- Mosiah 14:1
- 3 Nephi 20:11
- 3 Nephi 23:1
6 - Add the following to your Jewish History timeline and write them on your Understanding Isaiah commonplace book page:
- 721 BC - Assyrians capture the northern kingdom of Israel (the ten tribes)
- 701 BC - Assyrians attack the southern kingdom of Judah and surround Jerusalem but do not conquer it
- 587 BC - Babylonians take the kingdom of Judah into captivity
- 537 BC - King Cyrus allows the Jews to return to Juday
7 - Add the following to your timeline:
8 - Read the article "10 Keys to Understanding Isaiah" by Bruce R. McConkie- St. Patrick (400 AD)
9 - Read Chapter 1, "The Voice of the Irish: St. Patrick" from the book, 10 Great Souls I Want to Meet in Heaven by S. Michael Wilcox
10 - Read the rest of the book In the Hands of the Potter by Camille Fronk

1 - St. Patrick went as a missionary to his enemies to teach them of Jesus Christ. Every year on St. Patrick's Day (Mar. 17), our family celebrates missionaries. There is a great example in the Book of Mormon of another set of missionaries who went to their enemies to teach them of Jesus Christ. Ammon and his brothers to the Lamanites.
Read Alma chapters 17-22. Choose your favorite story and come with an interesting way to present it to the class. (Some examples are: you can act it out with costumes and props, you can write a poem or song about it and read or sing it in class, you can draw a picture, etc) Be creative and do not bore us!
2 - In preparation of our Passover Feast today, read this article, Roots and Branches by Elder Cook about the coming of Elijah the Prophet on Passover, April 3, 1836 and what the fulfilling of Malachi's prophecy means for us
Review all that you've learned this year from the book "In the Hands of the Potter". Write one paragraph in your journal summarizing it. Then journal for 10 minutes on goals that you can set and things that you can do to always remember to let God guide and direct you life, so that you can always be like the clay in the hands of the Potter.
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