Hi, guys! How are you all? I hope you're doing great! I am so excited to be teaching again this year! I can't wait for the AWESOME stuff we're gonna learn! :)
1. Watch this video: Christopher Columbus sets Sail

3. Read Chapter 1 of 7 Miracles that Saved America (The discovery of the New World.) Come to class ready to talk about your favorite part.
DISCLAIMER: The Know/Understand part of Leadership Journeyman is what YOU make it. It's what you put into it. You can just do the 10-minute minimum, but I would suggest doing longer. I've come to find out that I learned a lot more, and understood a lot more about my savior the more effort I put into trying. If you actually read the verses you need to, pray about what we are learning, and TRY to find the symbolism of Christ, then I promise that you'll be filled with the spirit, and your outlook on the world, Jesus Christ, and this gospel will change for the better, and you will be enlightened. It's what you put into it.
1. Read Moses 6:63, and 2 Nephi 11:4. Read them one more time, using punctuation and going slowly. Write them in your commonplace book. (DO NOT COME TO CLASS UNLESS YOU HAVE WRITTEN THE SCRIPTURES DOWN WORD FOR WORD!)
2. Go to this site: Symbols of Christ
It's a google doc I created for everyone. You should be able to edit... If not, email me at bethedingledody@gmail.com and I will fix that. READ IT ALL! There should be some scriptures and a definition at the top and five pages after that, so keep scrolling. For my Know/Understand part of all my Journeyman classes, I thought it'd be cool to learn about symbolism to Christ.
In the google doc, I want you to read the symbolism about mosquitoes that I have provided as an example. Tara and I studied mosquitoes last year and this is what we found. Read it all. It will BLOW YOUR MIND! Take number 1 under the physical trait side, and then to see how that specific trait is symbolic of Christ, read #1 under the Spiritual Reality side. If you have any questions, email me and I can help. We also will be going over this in class.

3. Study Hippos. You read correctly, HIPPOS! I went from mosquitoes to another random animal, so hippos! We are going to see how Hippos are symbolic of Jesus Christ next. 'Cause they ARE! ALL THINGS God created are symbolic of Jesus Christ. You can spend up to 10 minutes to five hours on this. MINIMUM OF 10 MINUTES!!! I'd really like you to know a lot about a hippo though, so the longer the better. MAKE A LIST of at least 5 facts about a hippo. (Try to dig deeper. When Tara and I studied mosquitoes we had to get deeper facts, like how they're born, how they mate, random facts etc... so look under unique facts about hippos or interesting facts.) LiveScience hippos is a great tool to give some good facts about it.
4. Bring your list to class. We will talk about the Spiritual Reality in class. (You can scroll down on the google document, and there should be a chart already for Hippos. You can just type your list in the chart if you'd like. I've put one in already.)
Journal about our savior, Jesus Christ, and your relationship with him in your commonplace book for 10 minutes.
That all might have been a bit confusing, but I promise it will make tons of sense in no time! If you have any questions you can email, or call me. (bethedingledody@gmail.com) :) Happy first day of Journeyman Leadership class! 😀
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