Saturday, October 2, 2021

Leadership Apprentice Week 3

At this point you should be much clearer or aware of your Top 10 Best Habits and your Unique Ability Statement. Remember you can change or clarify your unique ability at any time.

In our last class in-person, we briefly went through the exercise of brainstorming a list of activities you do at home and work. From there I had you categorize each of your activities into 4 areas, but I think there was some confusion (my fault) in explaining how to categorize your activities better. 

I created a video training below for you to watch that will guide you through in more detail. 

Please take the time now to complete the Activity Inventory properly before moving on. Doing so will help you achieve better results as we move forward.

First, watch this video below so you know how to create/clone a copy of the spreadsheet I use in the upcoming video trainings. If you cannot see the video below click here to watch it directly on YouTube:

Click Here to Access a Copy of this Google Sheet to consider using for your homework this week.

Click Here to Access a Copy of this Google Sheet to consider using for your homework this week.

Study & Learn

Action Step 1: Complete Your Activity Inventory with Excellence

Watch this video below to help you properly complete the activity inventory we started to do in class last time: (if you cannot clearly see this video click here to watch directly on youTube)

Know & Understand

Watch the video training below and work on documenting your top 10 inspiring offers that you find on and/or on

This next video training will show you how to model after success and what that means. 

Modeling after success is simply finding someone who is doing what you want to do and learn from them. 

Action Step 2:  Find Offers to Model After that Inspire You to Express Your Unique Ability

Become & Serve

In this step all we're going to do now is simply create, develop and gather all the things you will need to professionally present and share your offer with the world.

To clarify, this step we are NOT going to publish your offer live. You're just going to gather, create, document the details of your offer so you can post it online in the next step.

You'll want to use the information and inspiration you've acquired to this point to gather and create the details of your own offer. 

Step 1: Study the details of the Top 10 offers from the people you are modeling after. Observe how they describe their offer. How do they make their offer look nice and professional? Make notes in your journal on the details of how you would like to professionally present your offer.

Your offer should at minimum include the following things:

  1. Describe the TITLE of your offer very clearly so people understand what you're promising them you'll do.
  2. Share as much DETAIL as possible about your offer. This is called your offer description.
  3. Show an image or more or video to visually demonstrate your offer or something visual to at least represent your offer.
  4. A call to action button to invite people to get started now to pay you for the offer.

Action Step 3:  Develop Your Own Professional Offer Video

Action Step 4:  Bring These Things to Next Class

Come prepared with these things for our next in-person class:

  1. Your refined Unique Ability Statement (if needed) You might be happy with what you have, but if not refine it and bring that to share with me.
  2. Your organized Activity Inventory list.
  3. The details of your offer you plan on sharing with people online. 
    • I'll give each of you the opportunity of communicating and sharing your offer with your peers in class. This will help you become more confident in your offer and help you become aware of how you could possibly refine or polish your offer to get it ready to publish officially.
  4. Come prepared with a list of comments and/or questions about how you feel about offering something for sale online using your unique ability? What did you learn in the process of modeling after success? What are the benefits of modeling after success? Write down questions you're wondering about so we can discuss them. 

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