Friday, October 15, 2021

Leadership Masters Week 5

 This week we will be reading Leadership and Self Deception by The Arbinger Institute. This book is life-changing (sounds dramatic which is so unlike me, but it's true). 

Do you have someone in your life that you struggle to get along with? A sibling that annoys you all the time, a parent who doesn't understand you, someone at work who you wish you never shared a shift with??? Then you NEED this book :D 

This book is even better enjoyed when others you love (and get annoyed by) read the book too! So encourage your siblings to make it to masters, challenge your parents to read the book so you can all have these same tools for "getting out of the box" together.

As you'll read you'll notice the scenarios presented in the book are about co-workers, a wife and a child. Don't let that fool you, this book is for teenagers. I want you to read the book with a person(s) in mind. As you read think of the person I mentioned above that you just don't get along with very well and see how the process of getting out of the box applies to you in your situation.

You'll have aha moments, I promise. In order to come to masters you need to text or email me the quote/saying/phrase that you think should go on the sticker! See you at masters :D

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