1 - Read: “21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader” Chapter 1: Character (10 min)
2 - Read: “The Young Traveler's Gift” Chapter 6: Having a decided heart (10 min)
3 – Read: Alma 57:27 (1 min)
4 – Do a word study on “firm” using the following definition: “Fixed; steady; constant; stable; unshaken; not easily moved; as a firm believer; a firm friend; a firm adherent or supporter; a firm man, or a man of firm resolution.” (30 min)

5 – STUDY SKILL: Watch this video on “How to prepare to read a book” (15 min)
6 - Read: “Laddie” Chapters 1-6. (2 hours) Use this link to find background on the book and research the author, Gene Stratton-Porter. (15 min)
- What does it mean to have a “mind that is firm” (Alma 57:27)? Find similar scriptures and write down your own definition. Is it the same as having a “decided heart”? Find other examples of people in the scripture that had “firm minds” and us their stories to teach an FHE lesson to your family on why it is important to have a “firm mind” or a “decided heart”. Be prepared to teach your lesson to us and share what you learned with the class.
- Read this news interview with Andy Andrews. Using a notebook, write down all of the decisions you are asked to make in one day and what you decided and if it was an easy or hard decision. Analyze the decisions you had to make. Do you feel like you have a decided heart or not? Are there some things that you could decide on that would make your decisions easier to make? Journal for 15 minutes on these thoughts and come prepared to class ready to share your decisions and what you learned.

- Do you like to read? If not, you probably don't like all of the assigned reading in Vanguard. :) Maybe you don't like to read because you don't see the point of it. Watch the following videos (one 14 minutes, the other 7 minutes) about why reading is important and why reading classics is important. Have you ever read a book that you liked, that changed or stayed with you somehow? Think about why you liked that book so much . Write a paragraph about that book and be prepared to share the book with us in class.
Why Read?
Why Read Classics?
(If you are doing more than 1 level of class this week, just choose ONE Become/serve for the whole week.)
- Write down promptings you receive while doing your readings and inspirements. Act on one that serves someone else. Come to class ready to share.
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