2 - Read: “Stargirl” by Jerry Spinelli. Mark passages that you like and would like to remember.
3 - Research the author, Jerry Spinelli. (See “tools” on the blog). How has your interpretation of the book changed by knowing about the author? Did it change your understanding at all? Be prepared to share what you learned with the class.
- In “Stargirl” we have many characters who who show having a decided heart and living true to themselves and many characters who do not. Pick a character that is living a decided heart and one who is not and compare and contrast them. Think about the following questions: Is this person happy? Would they be more or less happy if they we/weren't living a decided heart and being/not being true to themselves? How would their life have been different if they did/didn't live a decided heart? Etc. Journal about the differences in personality and what you have learned from analyzing these characters.
- Who do you think is the happiest person in this novel? Why? Journal for 20 minutes on what makes that person happy and how you can find more happiness in your own life by emulating some of that person's characteristics.
(If you are doing more than 1 level of class this week, just choose ONE Become/serve for the whole week.)
- In 1987, President Gordon B. Hinckley said, “Each of us has a choice between right and wrong. But with that choice there inevitably will follow consequences. Those who choose to violate the commandments of God put themselves at great spiritual and physical jeopardy. … Each of us, with discipline and effort, has the capacity to control our thoughts and our actions. This is part of the process of developing spiritual, physical, and emotional maturity” Be very prayerful and make a list of at least 8 things you have decided to decide in your own life. Share you list with your parents and commit to live by this set of standards that you have set for yourself.

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