January Journeyman
"They were fighting for their country. Their children. Their present and their future. They were fighting for their freedoms. And that made it worth it all."
~7 Miracles that Saved America
Study/ Learn:
1. Read Chapter 3 of the 7 Miracles That Saved America (The miracle of a summer fog)

2. And just for fun listen to this Hamilton song that explains the battle. Hamilton battle of Brooklyn
3. Email me if you are coming to Journeyman. I need to know how many to plan for in our game. :) bethedingledody@gmail.com
Okay. So, I've been thinking about this and praying about it, and I've decided to switch things up a little bit.
I've been thinking that the symbolism of Christ isn't going too well. I mean, it's going well, but it's not exactly what I want. I want the symbolism of Christ to actually mean something. To teach us about our savior, and help our testimony. I feel like it's kind of becoming just another thing to mark off the to-do list. (Myself included here!) I mean, at 11 o'clock on Wednesday night, after a few hours of cramming to get Apprentice and Masters done, hearing the words "Go spend some time reading about watermelon" isn't very exciting, is it?
And, if you are like me (Not that you are) after reading those words you quickly type something into google, copy and paste the first thing you see into the document and hope that somehow it is symbolic of Jesus Christ. Then, after grumbling about how much work Vanguard is, and berating yourself for procrastinating it, you finally get to go to bed, and you don't spare another minute thinking about watermelon. Or whatever else we are learning about.
That's usually how my Wednesday's go.
BUT, I've been feeling like that Wednesday night scramble is not enough. (I'm not trying to belittle your Wednesday night study, or your efforts. Believe me, this is as much a chew out for me, as it is for you.) I felt this summer that this would be a perfect Know/ Understand for this class. But, I don't think I'm doing it right. I don't think I'm allowing my testimony to grow with my Wednesday Night Scramble, and then I get mad, because it's not the perfect Journeyman I want... So, I'm switching it up. I want you to FORGET what we have been doing. Just throw it out the window.
Instead of what we have been doing, I want you to find one fact about the thing God created that is symbolic of Jesus Christ. ONE THING. I'm not giving you a time minimum requirement. Spend as long or as short as you want. I want you to instead make that one thing count. Think about it. Really learn why that ONE FACT makes watermelon, or whatever we're talking about symbolic of Jesus Christ. I want to shy away from the to-do list and actually help our testimonies. (If you have time, and would like to do more, then by all means go for it, but I'm only asking for ONE.) I think that if you spent some time and learned about ONE thing, and could only tell me why that ONE attribute of watermelon, or whatever is symbolic of our savior, then you are doing it right. I think your testimony will grow, and I think that even if you only know and remember that one attribute, then while you eat watermelon, you can think about that one thing, and think about Christ. And, that's what I want to do with this Journeyman class.
(I am going to keep the policy that you need to WRITE IT ON THE GOOGLE DOC!!! Please. Everyone would like to hear your ideas that could also remind them of the savior.)
So, I'm switching it up a little bit. Hopefully that adds a little less stress and more spirit into our Wednesday night scrambles.
1. Read Moses 6:63, and 2 Nephi 11:4. Now read them one more time, using the punctuation and going slowly. Write them in your commonplace book. (DO NOT COME TO CLASS UNLESS YOU HAVE WRITTEN THE SCRIPTURES DOWN WORD FOR WORD! If you've already been to my class before, then you don't have to write them, but you better READ them! I know- it's tedious to have to re-read them, but they are important, so just humor me. Thanks! )
2. Go to this site: Symbols of Christ
It's a google doc I created for everyone. You should be able to edit... If not, email me at bethedingledody@gmail.com and I will fix that. READ IT ALL! There should be some scriptures and a definition at the top and five pages after that, so keep scrolling. For my Know/Understand part of all my Journeyman classes, I thought it'd be cool to learn about symbolism to Christ.
In the google doc, I want you to read the symbolism about mosquitoes that I have provided as an example. Tara and I studied mosquitoes last year and this is what we found. Read it all. It will BLOW YOUR MIND! Take #1 under the physical trait side, and then to see how that specific trait is symbolic of Christ, read #1 under the Spiritual Reality side. If you have any questions, email me and I can help. We also will be going over this in class.
3. Study the sun. How is the SUN symbolic of the SON? Spend how ever long of time you want on this. Find ONE fact about the sun, and how that ONE fact is symbolic of Jesus Christ. Please write it on the google doc. Email me if you have any questions. (You might have to scroll down pretty far on the google doc to find the chart, we've done a lot!) Happy seeking!
If you have any questions you can email, or call me. (bethedingledody@gmail.com) 😁
Man, my class blogs are all like a mile long! Whew! Well, that hopefully won't be the case next time. :) Anyway for Become/Serve I would like you to do one or both of these:
1. Journal about your testimony.
2. Journal about one trait you admire in George Washington. Why do you admire it? Is there anyone in your life now who has that trait? Do you have that trait? Do you want that trait?
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