Friday, March 9, 2018

Apprentice March 2018

Apprentice- March

One of the finest tributes to Brother Maurer I heard was, "He is the first PATRIOT I have ever met."  I hope we can all remember his love of history, and that part of the legacy he left with us with is our own love of history, and love for this great country.

Study/ Learn

Read The Freedom Factor by Lund.  Finish it.  We are going to discuss it this week.

Research about one person who was part of the Continental Congress, Constitutional Convention, Revolutionary War, or War 1812.


Prepare a Hero Study on the person you picked. Please look in the Toolbox on the main Vanguard Blog to understand what this is.  It is on the 2nd page in the toolbox or just use the link.

Learn about this person.  Take the time to learn a lot so that you can let their actions in the past be an influence for good on your life.  The point of this is that they become a hero to you in your life.

Come to class prepared to enlighten us on who they were.  This could be in the form of a portrait you drew, a poem, a prezi, a song, a drawing, a presentation. Put your own twist on it to show their life.  Come dressed like them if possible.

Become and Serve

Write down what you have learned from Brother Maurer this year.  How has participating in his class made a difference in your life?

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