Oh. My. Goodness. Last Leadership Journeyman class... 😢I'm so sad, not only is this my last ever Vanguard year, and my last ever Leadership class, it's also my last ever Journeyman Leadership class! And that is so sad! I have loved learning with you guys, and reading about the miracles that have saved our country, and the symbolism in our world of things that were created to remind us about Jesus Christ, our savior. I have loved teaching with Brother Maurer and developing a love for history in my own life because of it. I've loved getting to know all of you. You all are awesome... I guess I'm happy too- 'cause after this there is two more classes and then (drumroll please!!!) SUMMER!!!! YAY! Warm weather, no homework, and sleep! YAY!
OK. SO, Goal. EVERYONE COME TO MY CLASS! EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN VANGUARD! Wouldn't that be awesome? I'll keep it doable, so lets do it! 😉
1. Read the CONCLUSION of the 7 Miracles That Saved America book. (Ok... I REALLY think it'd be so cool if everyone came, so PLEASE read it. It's just the conclusion, so it's really short, an it's ok if you haven't read any other chapter. If will still make sense.
3. Do you believe God has had a hand in America? I do. Make a chain of any other miracles that have saved America (There is a lot), or even just an instance where you know God was there. Write one miracle or instance on each chain circle thing. The person with the LONGEST chain wins a price. (Then we'll staple everyone's chain together and measure the final product in class. If we get it up the Brown's staircase, I'll bring ice cream!)
4. Email me if you're coming! We're having a party, so come, and email me please. Also tell me your favorite ice cream flavor in the email, if you guys think you can make a big chain. bethedingledody@gmail.com
5. Make or buy a healthy or non-healthy snack for our party at Journeyman! (I'm on the ice cream, but drinks, chips and salsa, goldfish, anything else...!) If you're having trouble coming up with something good to eat, email me and I'll be happy to give you some ideas. :)
1. Read Moses 6:63, and 2 Nephi 11:4. Now read them one more time, using the punctuation and going slowly. Write them in your commonplace book. (DO NOT COME TO CLASS UNLESS YOU HAVE WRITTEN THE SCRIPTURES DOWN WORD FOR WORD! If you've already been to my class before, then you don't have to write them, but you better READ them! I know- it's tedious to have to re-read them, but they are important, so just humor me. Thanks! )
2. Go to this site: Symbols of Christ
It's a google doc I created for everyone. You should be able to edit... If not, email me at bethedingledody@gmail.com and I will fix that. READ IT ALL! There should be some scriptures and a definition at the top and five pages after that, so keep scrolling. For my Know/Understand part of all my Journeyman classes, I thought it'd be cool to learn about symbolism to Christ.
In the google doc, I want you to read the symbolism about mosquitoes that I have provided as an example. Tara and I studied mosquitoes last year and this is what we found. Read it all. It will BLOW YOUR MIND! Take #1 under the physical trait side, and then to see how that specific trait is symbolic of Christ, read #1 under the Spiritual Reality side. If you have any questions, email me and I can help.
3. Study WATER. Jesus Christ is known as "the living water." Why? What does that mean? Why is WATER compared to CHRIST??? Spend how ever long or short of time you want on this. BUT MAKE IT SINCERE. Find ONE fact about water, and how that ONE fact is symbolic of Jesus Christ. Please write it on the google doc. Email me if you have any questions. (You might have to scroll down pretty far on the google doc to find the chart, we've done a lot!) Happy seeking! ALSO, Now that you've learned about why water is symbolic of Jesus Christ, spend a little bit thinking about the sacrament. Do you think there is a reason we take water as part of the sacrament? Do you think that Heavenly Father wants us to think about something everytime we take the water? What do you think he wants us to think about? How can water remind us of Him? PLEASE WRITE IT ON THE GOOGLE DOC!!
Do both:
1. Journal about this. Pretend there is a book called "7 Miracles that saved _________'s life. (Put your name in the blank.) Journal in your commonplace book about what miracles would be in the book. What miracles have you seen in your life? What instances have you felt God?
2. Answer these questions: What do you think about the Symbols of Christ? Have you learned more about Christ, or had your testimony grow? Have you remembered Christ more often? Do you want to try it with another animal, plant, or thing that God has created? Do you believe God created those things in order so that we would remember His son? Thinking back to the sacrament, do you think that living in a world full of symbols of Christ you'll be able to more fully keep your promise and covenant to "Always remember Him?" Just a thought.
I'm probably not going to talk too much about it at class, but if you've changed, grown, or learned anything from doing the symbols of Christ, I would love to talk to you about it. I think it's so cool. I'd love to talk to you. Maybe during lunch or after class if we don't do a full out conversation awesome thing in class.
So excited and ready to PAR-TAY! See you at class!
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