Vanguard Leadership Class -- October 4, 2018
1. Print out a copy of President and Sister Nelson's talk to the youth Hope of Israel (found here: https://www.lds.org/broadcasts/face-to-face/nelson?lang=eng). Scroll down to where it says "View Text" then download and print the PDF.
2. Prayerfully* read or watch the talk, marking on your copy parts that stand out to you. Specifically notice action items that you feel the Spirit telling you to do.
3. Prayerfully* watch this talk by Hank Smith--The Power of One: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5lvcYVtewo&t=1s

*Prayerfully means to pray before watching or reading the assignment and ask the Spirit to help you understand and know how you should apply it to your life at this time.
4. Read, watch or listen to at least one of these talks on Personal Revelation:
a. The Spirit of Revelation by Elder Bednar https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2011/04/the-spirit-of-revelation?lang=eng
b. How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration for Your Personal Life by Elder Scott https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2012/04/how-to-obtain-revelation-and-inspiration-for-your-personal-life?lang=eng
c. Personal Revelation: The Gift, The Test and The Promise by Elder Packer https://www.lds.org/general-conference/1994/10/personal-revelation-the-gift-the-test-and-the-promise?lang=eng
5. Write out the definitions of these words as used in the Hope of Israel talk:
a. Hastening f. Covenant
b. Gathering g. Perspective
c. Committed h. Courageous
d. Sacrifice i. Remember
e. Persistent
1. Write Inspirements in your Common Place Book as they came to you while you were studying. (If watching videos, pause when a thought comes to you so you can write it down without missing anything.)
2. Sister Nelson mentioned a 5-minute video that portrayed your pre-earth life. Imagine you are sitting with Heavenly Father preparing to come to earth. Come to class prepared to show or tell us about what that experience might have looked like. (You can do one of the following: write a poem, draw a picture, make a video, write a song, etc.)
Imagine your are sitting with President Nelson, and Journal in your Common Place Book your personal answers to his 5 questions:
1. What is the Gathering of Israel?
2. What would you be willing to do to help gather Israel?
3. What would you willing to sacrifice to help gather Israel?
4. What would you want to start doing or stop doing to help gather Israel?
5. What will help you in preparation for The Gathering?
This year we will be studying The 5000 Year Leap by Cleon Skousen. We will also set a goal to memorize all 28 principles. You will be given a bookmark containing all of the principles on the first day of class that you can use to study them.

1. Watch this video on how to annotate a book: https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+annotate+a+book&rlz=2C1CHFX_enUS0536US0536&oq=how+to+annotate+a+book&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.4063j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=1
1a. This is a good article on annotating that you may also want to read. https://www.wikihow.com/Annotate-a-Book
Consider how you want to annotate the books you will read this year and start developing a style that will make the books yours. (Make sure you have permission to write in the books.) :)
2. Read from the Foreword through page 57 of The 5000 Year Leap.
Underline parts that stand out to you.
Choose one principle or concept discussed in the reading and come to class prepared to teach it. Try to make your presentation as interesting as possible with a diagram, short video, etc. These presentations should only be about 5 minutes long. Do a good job, but don't stress yourself out over it.
1. Read Robert E. Lee on Leadership

2. Google "Abraham Lincoln leadership style" and read at least 2 of the articles that come up on that search.
Compare and contrast the styles of the 2 leaders.
Compare = find out how they were similar
Contrast = show how they were different
Write down what you learn.
From your reading, which one to three qualities do you feel inspired to implement in your life? Write how you are going to begin to implement that characteristic in your life this month.
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