Hello Everyone!
We are super excited about this month's Leadership Class! We will be discussing things that can be life changing, if you let them. Please make the time to do the assignments so you can join us in this journey. ♥♥♥
1. Read The Miracle Morning OR The Miracle Morning for College Students by Hal Elrod

2. Watch Be of Good Cheer by Hank Smith
Define the following terms as used in the The Miracle Morning:
1. Silence
2. Affirmation
3. Visualization
4. Exercise
5. Reading
6. Scribing
Look for at least three examples from the scriptures where someone used positive language to turn their thoughts from negative to positive. Look for times where either negative thoughts or negative people could have caused discouragement, but the person was able to maintain their attitude by staying positive.
One example is in 2 Nephi 4, where Nephi was feeling weighed down because of his brothers, but he pulls himself back up by declaring: "Awake my soul! No longer droop in sin!" and "I know in whom I have trusted."
See if you can find more similar examples.
Do the following while watching Be of Good Cheer:
1. Center of the Universe Syndrome
2. Accentuate the Positive
Fill in the blanks:
The one thing that will take away from cheerfulness is ____________________.
Research shows that only ____ percent of your happiness has anything to do with your circumstances.
"No misfortune is so bad that _________ _____ __ won't make it worse."
The Lord deplores ___________________.
We should speak of one another's _____________ more than we speak of one another's _________.
Don't allow your _________to be _______________by _______ _______.
The future is as bright as your ____________.
What does Hank Smith say is the primary difference between Nephi and Laman?
Journal about your thoughts and impressions as you read/watched the book and talk.
Read pages 58-113.

Choose one principle or concept discussed in the reading and come to class prepared to teach it. Try to make your presentation as interesting as possible with a diagram, short video, etc. These presentations should only be about 5 minutes long. Do a good job, but don't stress yourself out over it.
As you read, think about the ways that you see these principles being applied or ignored in our country today. Write them in your Commonplace book.
Huzzah Hope of Israel!!
My faaaaaavorite book of 2017!!!!!
As a matter of fact, I still listen to it for comic relief! 😜
The Great Divorce by CS Lewis
Here’s a link so you can listen to this great story. It is free on YouTube. It’s about 2 hours long. Part of why I listened to it so much is because I enjoy the presentation. I hope you come to enjoy it as much as I do!(Thank♥️You Sis Barber for finding the link!)
Come prepared to discuss...
What is the book about?
What ways did the characters' thinking either bless or hinder their progress. What about their choices made it so?
What is a tragedian?
Which character did you like or relate to? Is there a character that was frustrating? Or sad to read about? What would you suggest they do differently to change their circumstances?
Who inspired you?
If you had the chance to ride the excursion bus, what would you do to get on it?
What would you do when you arrived at the new land? Would you want to look around and explore like the narrator?
If you had the chance to stay in the new land what would you do to claim that opportunity?
Are there any scriptures stories that come to mind as you listen?
I’m looking forward to our discussion!
Your devoted,
Sis Maurer 🌺
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