Thursday, September 1, 2022

Leadership Apprentice Week 1: Sep 2022

  APPRENTICE: Law 1: Love God, Establish Your Divine Center

"And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might."
- Deuteronomy 6:5


Mission Driven Life
  1. Read Ch. 3 in "The Mission Driven Life".  Mark quotes that you like and be prepared to discuss why you like them.
  2. Listen to this mission driven story: "William Bradford & the First Thanksgiving" (47 min)
    1. Write down how this story showed him living Law 1.
  3. If you're not already reading scripture and praying daily, begin now.  If you are, consider a different spiritual goal you can set for yourself.  Put your goal in your schedule and report to someone you trust.
  1. Watch the following videos:  
    1. Who Sailed On The Mayflower
    2. Mayflower Compact: Roots of our Democracy
    3. The Mayflower Compact
    4. Mayflower Compact Explained
  2. Read the Mayflower Compact  
    1. Understand why the people on the Mayflower needed something like the Mayflower Compact, write down what the main reason or reason may be.
    2. Write down the two or three main tenets by which the members of Plymouth Plantation would be governed and be prepared to discuss them.
    3. The Mayflower Compact represents a significant "first" in the New World and was a seed for what would follow in colonial America.  What is that "first"? 
  3. Read page 14 (The House of Representatives) from "Understanding the US Constitution" and answer questions 1-8 on page 15
  4. Read page 16 (The Senate) from "Understanding the US Constitution" and answer questions 1-8 on page 17
  5. Read page 18 (Rules, Rights, and Privileges of Congress) from "Understanding the US Constitution" and answer questions 1, 2 and 6 on page 19
  6. Read page 26 (The Executive Branch, Introduction) from "Understanding the US Constitution" and answer questions 1-8 on page 27
NOTE:  All page numbers for the Understand the US Constitution are based on the physical workbook.  The digital copy is slightly different, but the titles of the pages are correct.


Google Doc: Puritan, Merchant, Soldier/Sailor, sign-up to be a member of one of these groups and consider the interests they would want protected by any formed government.  Come prepared to discuss two main interests you imagine your group would have.

Get Ready to form a government!!  🙌

Read the Section titled "Members of the Church have a duty to be responsible citizens" from Teachings of Presidents of The Church: Brigham Young. Ponder his teachings on what it means to be a responsible citizen and write in your journal what it means to you to be a good citizen and how you will be one when you reach the age to vote at 18.

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