Friday, October 22, 2021

Leadership Apprentice Week 6

Leadership Apprentice Week 6: Launch Your Sales Campaign, Automate Your Business Savings

In this final week I got the impression that the most important things I could teach you right now with the remaining time we have is to learn how to launch a campaign and get started with automating your savings for the future. In the upcoming video trainings I'll teach you more about why campaigns are so important and how automating your savings can put you on a path to help liberate you financially and help you be more self-reliant.

First CLICK HERE to make a copy of the document I talk about in the upcoming videos so you can fill it out. Or you're welcome to simply document your results, thoughts, ideas, feelings directly in your journal and not use this document. But it's here to give you a guide at least.

Action Step 1: Watch this Video and Document in your Journal Your Big WHY's of Building a Business

Action Step 2: Watch and Implement this Video Training on Launching Your 1st Facebook Video Campaign

Action Step 3: Watch this Video and Learn How to Read the Statistics of Your Facebook Video Campaign

Action Step 4: Watch This Video and Document in Your Journal Your Commitment, Thoughts & Feelings About Being a Wise Steward With the Earnings and Management of the Money You Earn In Your Life

Action Step 5: Watch This Video and Learn and Implement the Steps of Automating the Savings for Your Future Goals Using

Click HERE to go to acorns to set up your account.

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