Saturday, October 16, 2021

Leadership Apprentice Week 5

Leadership Apprentice Week 5: Knowing Your Target Market and Creating Your Video Intro Ad

Before You Begin: If you did not complete the assignment from Week 4 (emailing me a link to the website that presents your business offer) then you do need to go back and complete that before moving on to this assignment. If you don't I will chuck squishy bananas at you in our next class J/K. But seriously make sure to get your offer over to me asap okay. Our activities each week build on the last weeks activity so I need to receive an emailed link from Sam, Evelyn, Alex, Gail and Sammy in order for you move on to the assignment for Week 5. Thanks guys!

As a side note before you start this week's assignments, you can check out the video below to see the inside info on the bowl someone just bought on my Etsy account. It works!

How many of you know what supply and demand means? Understanding these two things will help you make more sense of how to lead and grow a small business. So check out the short video below. I'll quiz you on this when we meet next.

Action Step 1: Watch this video:

Next, this video training following will help you get clear about what a target audience is and how to know who your target audience is for the offer you have created. We briefly talked about this in our last class but now is your chance to go in more depth. After watching this video training you should be able to clearly communicate who your ideal buyer is and have documented as much information as possible about that person who we call your ideal buyer avatar. 

First CLICK HERE to access the Ideal Customer Worksheet to use for this exercise. Be sure to click on "File" at the top left and then click on "Make a Copy" to make a copy for you.

Action Step 2: Watch This Video to Learn How to Document Your Ideal Customer for Your Target Audience

Click HERE to access the Facebook Audience Insight tool I refer to in the video training above. Remember that to access that tool you'll need to create a Facebook Ads account which I discuss in the video above.

Action Step 3: Create your Sales Pitch Script

The next step is to learn how to write up a simple and short 1-minute, timed, sales script that you'll use in the last step of creating your sales pitch video for your offer.

To create a sales script you'll need to write out and explain these 4 to 5 things at minimum:

  1. Start your script by communicating the problem or goal you believe your audience is facing or wants the most help with right now in their life? 
  2. Second, write down and explain a short introduction of who you are and tell them you found a solution to their problem/goal and that you'll tell them in a moment.
  3. Third, describe the major benefits of why you believe your audience should get more details about your offer by clicking the button below the video. 
  4. Fourth, share any feedback from happy clients or past customers if you have them. If not skip this step.
  5. Fifth, ask your audience watching the video to click on the call to action button to get more details about your offer.
For example your script could look & read like this:

1- Is your coffee table looking a bit lonely and sad? Would it be nice to have a conversation piece to strike curiosity into the heart of your next home visitors?

2- Hi, I'm Trent and I'm the founder of Ice Breaker Decor where I create wooden decor that make it easier for you to have something beautiful or interesting to talk about with friends, family or strangers who visit you at home.

3- Displaying a custom, unique wooden maple burl bowl for example has a lot of character and design. This bowl you see today could be just the perfect ice-breaker decor item you need to put an end to awkward silence when having visitors over to your house.

4- Just last week one of my customers said "...your bowl saved me from minutes of awkward silence having my mother in-law over for a visit! In time past I'm sitting, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for her to say something first or I'm wondering what to ask her. This time she saw the bowl sitting on my coffee table and told me how unique and beautiful it was and how I had such good taste. Now I'm her favorite son-in-law in the world :-)"

5- To get your own Ice Breaker custom, unique wooden bowl click the button below to get more details. Each bowl is one-of-a-kind made just for you. Click the button and get started today.

There are a few more steps to include in a sales script such as scarcity and presenting an irresistible offer, but we'll just keep things a bit more simple in this 6-week leadership apprentice course!

Okay, now the final step this week is to watch this next video training to learn how to create your 1 minute video ad using that sales script you created. Your sales pitch video is not meant to give someone every detail. Instead you're creating a video pitch to spike curiosity that will inspire them to get more details on your sales offer page on Fiverr, Etsy, or other website like as

If you've never created a video you're about to learn something new! Wahooo :-)

You're welcome to use any video creation tool you want. You could instead choose to do a face to camera video by using your phone video to record you saying and presenting the information in the 5 steps above in your sales script. In the video below I use

If you want to use you can either email me directly and I'll give you my login so you can use it for free without having to pay for their pro images and videos...or you can sign up with for free and simply use their Free-30 day trial and still have access to their pro features and then just cancel before your 30-day trial ends.

Action Step 4: Create your Sales Pitch Video Using Your Script

When you are done creating your sales pitch video click HERE to access my Google Drive folder for Vanguard to upload your video to okay.

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