Friday, October 1, 2021

Leadership Masters, Week 3

 I have had an amazing time at our book discussions these past two weeks. I'm so grateful for your diligence in making it all the way to masters class and I think you will enjoy the next book we have to read. 

This week we will be reading Atomic Habits

I hope you'll find it as fascinating as I do to learn about the science behind habits, what works and what doesn't and get some inspiration on how you can successfully integrate new, positive habits into your life!

Along with reading the book I would like you to set a habit streak (as mentioned in last week's book, Living in Your True Identity). How many days would you like to do a certain thing? As you read the book come up with a specific plan for how you will set into motion this new habit and what tips from the book will be helping you keep this habit in motion. 

If you're willing to share your habit success plan at our discussion on Thursday then I would love to  hear about it and the plan you put in place for accomplishing it!

Text me by Wednesday when you know you are coming, it helps me plan if we will be doing an activity or going somewhere :D 435-709-5525

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