Thursday, October 21, 2021

Leadership Masters Week 6

 Leadership Masters Week 6! That's right, this is our LAST book for leadership! This week we will be reading a piece of children's literature called "Sweep: A Story of a Girl and Her Monster," by Jonathan Auxier. 

Before you read the book, read this interview with the author (it does contain spoilers but I think it also adds interesting perspective from the author about his book. If you canNOT handle spoilers then read this after finishing the book). 

This story contains Jewish folklore in the form of the magical Golem that gives this book the genre of fantasy fiction. You'll encounter ideas about love, literacy, anti-semitism, sacrifice and child labor laws. I hope you enjoy this children's book-- children's literature is my very favorite genre to read!

Your TICKET TO CLASS is to text or email me a thought that you think sums up the message of this book. It can be a quote from the book or in your own words :) 

**Also, I want to remind us all that in order to come to Masters class you do need to make it to journeyman. If you feel there is a deserving exception to be made in your case then you can reach out to me BEFORE class on Thursday to ask if you could have permission to come to Masters without having come to journeyman. There must be a reason though and I can't guarantee I'll make the exception :D **

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